The Fastest Way To Spinal Health

egret flying

egret flying

What are the simple things you can do?

#1: Be proactive. You know that as you age, you face muscle and bone loss at accelerating rates. So why do you choose to do nothing about this? Slight changes in diet and activity levels help you offset the majority of this negative change. 

2: Move more. We live in a sedentary society. Studies show that people who sit for 6+ hours a day have shorter lifespans than those who sit for only 3. Sitting may not be a disease but it certainly contributes to a lot of pain and dysfunction. As practitioners of spinal health, we are able to see the effects of sitting on a daily basis, and they are not pretty! So get up and go! Move for your life. 

#3 Be mindful. Take things like posture seriously. Choose to adjust your body position often and always be aware of how your spine feels. If it needs to stretch, stretch; if it needs hydration, hydrate. As humans, we are so good at ignoring the things that make us feel truly well. It’s time to stop ignoring the pleas for help from your spine. 

#4 Seek help. Spinal health can be an overwhelmingly large subject to tackle by yourself; even more so when you are in the grips of chronic back pain. Seeking help from a spinal health care specialist ensures that you get the care you need to take care of your condition effectively. Give our office a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Health Objectives: More Steps Per Day


Walking is essential for life

The health benefits of walking are well known, but for the purposes of this blog here’s a quick reminder:

  • Boosts circulation
  • Releases pain-killing endorphins
  • Strengthens bones and muscles
  • Maintains range of motion
  • Manages weight

The basic health benefits of a good walk are too many to ignore. On days when you can’t spare a second to make it to the gym, a brisk walk may be the only physical boost your body receives. Yet, far too few of us are getting the daily steps we need to reap such benefits. Here is our guide to getting more steps throughout the day. 

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Spinal Healing Through Nutrition



Spinal health through nutrition is not a far-fetched idea

In fact, it is a very sound idea that too many of us ignore! Diet forms part one of the triad of factors that help you manage your own spinal health, along with exercise and sleep, (posture coming in a close fourth). You can choose ingredients that fortify your spine, as well as ones that directly address and reduce back pain.  Fortunately, dieting for your spine overlaps with healthy dieting in general, with a few specifications. If you are looking for some inspiration to improve your spinal health this new year, check out our guide below for some sound advice.

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Exercises that Effect Spinal Decompression

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yogo spine

Decompression is therapy for your spine

Among the different kinds of decompression (simple stretching, nonsurgical and surgical), the underlying theory is the same: by changing the position of the spine, we can alleviate pressure on the spinal canal and nerves to effect improvements in back pain. Nonsurgical decompression, of the kind we offer at Espinosa Family Chiropractic, often utilizes a motorized table to gently stretch the spine, creating negative intradiscal pressure and allowing for the rehydration and healing of intervertebral discs. What if we told you that you can create a similar decompressive effect from your own living room? 

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