
Muscles tensed and back stiff; intervertebral discs absorbing fluid and tightening; lack of circulation: this is your body on a sedentary lifestyle. So, take a hike! And no, this is not intended to be rude. At our office, we are seeing the toll that the 21st century is taking on human spines. Once upon a time, you might have had to walk to the market to get your food, or push a lawn mower to mow the lawn, or use your brain to parallel park your car. But the way of the future is automation: your lawn can now be mowed remotely, your food delivered on a schedule. This is to the detriment of all the working parts of the body and it is time people simply stood up.

A lifestyle that requires long hours sitting in front of the computer followed by long hours of leisure in front of a television screen can be defeated with a simple, committed approach to stretching and walking. If time is money, the spine must be factored into your overall budget. Budgeting a few minutes per hour to give your body a wiggle and your spine a stretch should become a priority. But for many people a lack of awareness creates this sedentary attitude. At our office, we can help you find ways to get moving.

The health benefits of a 30-minute walk:

  • Increased circulation
  • Better breathing
  • Muscles lengthening and moving
  • Increased mental acuity
  • Decreased stress
  • More range of motion and flexibility

So, take a walk and feel your body come alive. For help finding ways to incorporate more walking or stretching into your life, call our office. It may feel funny or almost counterintuitive, but we need to get moving again.

Embrace a Healthy Winter Lifestyle

Winter is a season that offers numerous opportunities to modify your eating habits, promoting both warmth and wellness. Say goodbye to processed fats and sugars and venture to your local winter market, where you will discover an abundance of nourishing foods: rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and healthy sugars and fats that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Whole foods over processed: Choose whole foods over their processed counterparts. Winter is the perfect time to savor the natural flavors and nutrients in seasonal produce. Opt for hearty soups, roasted root vegetables, and fresh salads to fuel your body with the essential nutrients it needs.

Portion control: In the winter, our bodies crave warmth and comfort, often leading us to indulge in larger portions. Keep in mind that we tend to consume 92% of what’s on our plates. By practicing portion control, you can instantly manage your calorie intake and maintain a healthy weight. This, in turn, reduces the strain on your back, especially the lower back, helping to prevent chronic pain.

Anti-inflammatory choices: For those dealing with winter-related aches and pains, it’s crucial to focus on anti-inflammatory foods. Incorporate ingredients like turmeric, ginger, and dark leafy greens into your meals. These ingredients can help reduce inflammation, alleviate discomfort, and promote faster healing.

Fish for warmth and health: In winter, fish can be a wonderful addition to your meals. It’s a lean protein source that contains essential fatty acids and high levels of vitamin D, essential for maintaining bone health and overall well-being. Enjoy a comforting bowl of fish stew or grilled fish for a heartwarming and nutritious meal.

Warm beverages: Swap out your usual sugary coffee for a soothing cup of herbal tea. Winter beverages like herbal teas and warm water with lemon can help keep you hydrated, boost your immune system, and provide comforting warmth without the excess calories and sugar.

Nourish your body throughout the winter season to maintain your health. Consider a holistic approach to wellness by scheduling an appointment with a healthcare provider who can help you stay aligned, manage muscle tension, and support your nervous system. Don’t hesitate to reach out and make an appointment today to ensure your winter is filled with both warmth and well-being.