3 Common Causes of Middle Back Pain
When we talk about back pain a lot of times we end up talking about low back pain, since our core is very much tied into our mobility and especially susceptible to injury.
However, your middle back is another vulnerable area to injury and should be treated with care and built for the long haul. Below we go over some of the most common causes of middle back pain and what you can do to ensure you don’t have to go through it.
1.) Your Job
What you do for work is very much tied to what sort of injuries you may experience over the course of your employment history. Doing things for long hours on end or repeating the same motion over and over again can lead to chronic conditions and middle back pain.
2.) What You’re Doing for Exercise
Many of us engage in contact sports, whether it be basketball, hockey, volleyball, or MMA. All of the sports previously listed pose significant risks to your back, especially our middle back. Make sure you engage in a rigorous stretch routine after you exercise. Make sure you also eat healthy and engage in active recovery.
3.) Your Hobbies / Driving
Hobbies like binge-watching Netflix can lead to back problems, especially low back pain. Driving also poses a significant risk to your middle back due to the fact that not many car seats are engineered with your back, neck, and spine in mind. There is also the increased chances of getting into an accident, which is also a common contributor to middle back pain. To remedy this, try to limit time in the car and if driving in long spurts, make use of road stops to get out and stretch your back and legs. Engaging in a stretch routine after every episode or two during binge-watching will also lower your risk of experiencing middle back pain.
If you have middle back pain that persists in light of staying active and engaging in active recovery, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today.