Back Pain and Your Job: Construction Work Edition
Construction work is another of the professions most affected by back pain
Lifting and bending over account for a large percentage of common back injuries, from muscle sprain to herniated discs. Almost every job in the construction industry requires some kind of lifting. And there is a triple-headed problem that exists here:
- Often the loads present no clear way to lift in a manner conducive to your back’s health
- The loads are too heavy: no one worker should lift over 51 pounds at a time
- We have forgotten proper body mechanics regarding lifting and bending
Most construction workers reading this will agree that they regularly lift more than 51 pounds at a time by themselves. Because lifting is one of the most harmful motions for our back, it is always good to keep your spine’s health in mind while on-site.
Prevention of back pain for construction workers
Prevention of back pain begins before the job starts: every construction worker should stretch before a day that will involve even a mild demand of lifting. Having cold muscles when you go to lift is one of the surest ways to injure yourself. Make sure you give yourself at least 5 minutes of stretching time before each day. Furthermore:
- Use a support belt to lend stability to your core, restrict excessive motion and prevent injury.
- Focus on core strength: your back is one of your greatest and most fragile assets on the job. It behooves you to spend time at home or in the gym strengthening and stretching the core stabilizing muscles.
- Limit the loads you are lifting as much as possible and ask for a helping hand when possible.
We take the health of construction workers’ spines seriously. If you need help rehabilitating injuries sustained on the job, or to prevent them from happening in the first place, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.