Top Health and Wellness Gift Ideas

Some of us like to choose gift ideas that are out of the ordinary or that serve a larger purpose, such as giving the giftee something that they will value and use. Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over some holiday gift ideas that will promote health and wellness, which remain excellent gift options in lieu of smart devices and gift cards.

Gym Membership

Give the gift of a gym membership or a yoga class membership. Whether you opt for one month or an entire year is up to you. A gym membership is a gift idea that could spark serious change in whoever you give it to.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic treatment is an excellent gift idea — our adjustments and treatments and Espinosa Family Chiropractic provide drug-free pain relief, improve circulation and cognitive function, not to mention promote a healthy GI system and immune system among many other health and wellness benefits.

Muscle Roller

A muscle roller is a great gift idea that will help whoever you give it to relieve muscle tension after a tough workout. It’s a great compliment to chiropractic treatment!

Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic if you’d like to learn more about our treatments and services. Have a safe and happy holiday season!

Making Better New Year’s Resolutions



Making goals or resolutions at the beginning of the new year is something many of us take part in. However, whether we plan on following through with those objectives we set out for ourselves in January is an entirely different story. One way to set yourself up to better achieve your goals is to set goals effectively and realistically. Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few ways to make better New Year’s resolutions.

Be Specific

Instead of telling yourself vaguely to “get in shape,” set a specific goal for yourself, such as running a marathon, which will inherently force you to get into shape in preparation for the event. You’ll train leading up to the event then feel an amazing sense of accomplishment after you finish what you set out to do.

Be Multidimensional

Don’t simply focus on fitness goals, create goals that touch every facet of yourself. Have and keep better relationships, eat better food, practice a martial art, or take up crocheting. Try to have your goals assist you in becoming a better and more interesting person!

Tell Someone Else About Your Goals

It might seem tempting to keep your goals that you set to yourself, and it’s a good way to cop out of things if you get too uncomfortable. The stronger move is to tell someone else about your intentions for the year, that way you’re held accountable.

Espinosa Family Chiropractic provides treatments that help you get the best out of you. Contact us today to learn more about who we are and what we do.

Staying Motivated Toward the End of the Year



As December rolls through to the end of the year, this might be a challenging time for some to stay on top of their wellness routine. With the holiday season in full effect, the new year’s resolutions we made at the beginning of the year might seem like they’re miles away.

However, December presents an opportunity to finish the year strong!

One way to stay on top of your health and wellness goals is to keep the routine that you set out for yourself at the beginning of the year — even if you haven’t been great about keeping it leading into this month. Falling back on your wellness routine now will end the year with a statement while setting you up for success leading into the next year.

Carefully assess where you’re at now versus where you were at during the early months of the year. You might surprise yourself at how far you’ve come.

Make miniature goals that can be executed during the month of December, which will help you ensure a productive final month of the year. Espinosa Family Chiropractic is here to make sure you finish the year the way you intended when you made your resolutions. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about how chiropractic treatments fit into a healthy lifestyle.

Holiday Season Recovery Tips



Since Black Friday has just passed and with the big holidays of the year still upon us, it’s a great idea to check in with your health and wellness as you make the final push toward the new year.

Many of us have fitness goals that we set out for ourselves at the beginning of the year, and getting a chiropractic treatment will help prime your body and brain to achieve your goals. Some of our goals have to do with helping others, and, during the holiday season, we may have goals tied up in getting that all-important gift for a special loved one. We might work more hours and put ourselves through grueling schedules in order to afford our gifts.

As such, it’s important to practice self-care during these festive and sometimes stressful times.

Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few holiday season recovery tips.

1.) Take Care of Your Body

Taking a yoga class or springing for a massage session will do well for muscle tension, not to mention help alleviate any stress you’re feeling. When we take care of our bodies we get rewarded in numerous ways.

2.) Cut Alcohol Consumption

It’s the time of year for annual work parties and family gatherings where adult beverages might be consumed. In such cases, try to limit your own alcohol consumption to ensure a good night’s rest.

3.) Get Your Sleep

Getting 7-9 hours of sleep each day is crucial for the body and brain to regenerate. Prolonged sleep deprivation has been linked to all sorts of health conditions. Getting your requisite sleep each night will help you set yourself up for success the following day.

Chiropractic treatments at Espinosa Family Chiropractic are another great way to practice smart recovery during the holiday season. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

Your End-of-the-Year Wellness Check-Up



As the end of the year approaches it’s important to ensure that you’ve maximized your insurance benefits. Many folks, due to either lack of time or lack of attention paid to their policy guidelines, end up losing out on coverage benefits as the year concludes, most insurance policies refusing to roll-over benefits into the next year.

Chiropractic treatment is covered by most every insurance provider — some researchers even found that up to 87% of insured workers in America having coverage plans that cover chiropractic services.

At Espinosa Family Chiropractic we specialize in providing chiropractic treatments that boost mobility, provide drug-free pain relief, and help boost cognitive function — among countless additional health and wellness benefits.

Chiropractic treatment is a great way to recalibrate the body and mind as you head into the new year. Schedule your consultation with Espinosa Family Chiropractic to end the year strong and healthy.

Your First Back Care Class with Espinosa Family Chiropractic



One effective way we teach our patients special “back care” exercises at Espinosa Family Chiropractic is through our bi-weekly Back Care Class.

We have a board-certified specialist in back care who conducts each Back Care Class who gives each student/patient the necessary tools and wellness protocols that are needed in order to properly take care of and maintain themselves in everyday life. You’re only as healthy as your spine, after all!

Back Classes are a way of giving our patients a deeper knowledge of what chiropractic treatment is, which specific chiropractic adjustments each patient responds to (not to mention the particular function of each adjustment), and how they can assist their bodies on their own during healing, corrective, and workout recovery processes.

We’ll also teach you different daily stretches, proper sitting positions & how to maintain perfect posture, which sleeping positions are best for you, and much, much more. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our educational classes for our patients to take advantage of.

3 Healthy Thanksgiving Dishes for Your Consideration



Sometimes during the holidays, it might be tempting to just throw any old traditional holiday dish together, when, the truth is, our knowledge of health and wellness should be changing those traditions in lieu of healthier options. If you’re interested in trying something new instead of the carb and starch heavy dishes of old, then keep reading!

1.) Sweet Potato Lasagna

Sweet potato lasagna is a fantastic dish and there are many iterations online for you to choose from. Opting for vegan-friendly dishes will likely make you a smash hit with your millennial family members while also getting some of the boomers to try something new!

2.) Strawberry, Kale, Pear, Almond Salad

Make an amazing salad this thanksgiving. Add fresh fruit like strawberries, or you can get fancy and add caramelized pair. Adding almonds, walnuts, and other healthy additions that pack some crunch will diversify the salad, not to mention give you healthy fats you need for brain fuel.

3.) Don’t Forget Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate actually has some pretty good health properties, providing brain fuel and increasing focus, not to mention releasing happy chemicals in the brain. Choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate and most of the sweets that will be part of the spread this year.

Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to learn more about how chiropractic adjustments facilitate a healthy lifestyle.

Changing Your Nutrition for the Better



In today’s fast-paced world it might seem like a challenge to stay healthy, especially with fast food places popping up everywhere you look. Our schedules make fast food and effortless solutions seem quite attractive, but, the truth is, we’ll always feel better when we make the right decisions. With diet, eating cleaner, and eating fresh, whole foods should be a priority because taking this measure will fuel us more effectively throughout our day.

Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few changes you can make to your diet that will make a big impact on your health.

Cut Out Processed Foods

No more fast food, candy, or foods heavy in processed carbohydrates — these foods have zero nutritional value and force the body to work overtime in order to digest.

Eat Smaller Portions

Stop eating large meals in one sitting. Think of each meal as a quick pitstop in order to take in energy. Try to eat 3-5 smaller meals per day instead of 1-2 huge ones.

Stop Eating Before Bed

Try to make 8 or 9 pm your cutoff time as far as food goes if you go to bed around 10 or 11 pm. Eating right before bed disrupts healthy sleep cycles.

Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation and learn more about how chiropractic treatment can complement a healthy lifestyle.

What’s the Big Deal About Essential Oils?



If you have friends who are into homeopathic healing, it’s likely you’ve heard them talk about their essential oil collection. Maybe you’re an essential oil outsider and you’re looking to get into the game, but you have no idea where to start. That’s okay! Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over some general information about essential oils. We also provide a few suggestions if you’re looking to make some initial essential oil purchases.

They’ve Been Around for Centuries

Ancient cultures used essential oils for healing purposes. Those who possessed essential oils were usually on the wealthier side as these were and are derived from seeds and plants through a technical process.

Essential Oils Have a Variety of Applications

Some essential oils are good to revitalize the skin and areas of the body where applied while others are more moisturizing or calming. Do your research before using essential oils to know what to expect.

Essential Essential Oils

Lavender and rosemary are both popular essential oils to start your collection with — both producing calming effects when rubbed on the body or sniffed through a diffuser. Peppermint is another great essential oil to start out with as it has a revitalizing effect when sniffed through a diffuser or applied to an area of the body. Tea tree oil is another popular essential oil used to clear the complexion.

If you have any additional questions about essential oils or about our drug-free pain relief treatments, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation.

Does Chiropractic Work for Veterans



As we celebrate Veteran’s Day this weekend it’s worthwhile to take note of the tremendous amount of health benefits that chiropractic treatments can bring to those who experience the trauma and trials of wartime. The body and the mind both take a tremendous amount of abuse during preparation and in actual combat scenarios, so it’s important to have a proactive plan to take care of your body and your mind. Chiropractic treatment is a great way to relieve the body from wear and tear, not to mention recalibrate the mind.

Drug-Free Pain Relief

Chiropractic treatments offer drug-free pain relief, which comes in handy for those who experience pain that comes about from everyday use, not to mention any injuries that might have result from your service.

Improved Mood

Chiropractic adjustments help the mind/body connection stay intact and optimized. Subluxations and spinal misalignment can cause the brain to perform at a less than optimum capacity, not to mention result in moodiness, even headaches, and insomnia. Chiropractic treatments help relieve all of these symptoms and promote healthy cognitive function.

Better Mobility

Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to promote flexibility and improved range of motion, helping patients achieve better and more comfortable mobility.

If you have any additional questions about how chiropractic treatments can benefit you, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic to schedule your consultation. We’ll answer any questions or concerns you might have.