Following Through with Your Annual Health Goals

As November gets underway and December rapidly approaches, it’s important to double-down on your health and wellness efforts!

Thanksgiving and the many December holidays and gatherings that occur might make it seem difficult to keep our wellness plans in place, not to mention boost our efforts in order to finish the year strong.

That’s why it’s important to make sure that you have a plan in place to follow through with your annual health goals, no matter what they are.

Get that Diet Right

Maybe you’ve been saying all year that you’re going to change your diet, but you haven’t yet taken the full measures to change the things you put in your body for fuel. Start eating clean, whole foods to notice an immediate energy and wellness boost. Keep your diet consistent and you’ll glean countless health benefits.

Stay Consistent

Stay consistent with your fitness routine, your recovery protocol, and everything in between. It’s when we start to get inconsistent that our results and progress start to wane.

Focus on Recovery

Whether it’s recovering from a stressful work week or a hearty workout, make sure you put the right amount of attention into your recovery efforts.

Chiropractic treatment is a great way to enhance your recovery efforts, not to mention position yourself to achieve all of your health and wellness goals. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic to schedule your consultation today. 

Simple Ways to Maintain Your Spine Health



Our spine might not be the first part of our body that we think of when we think about fortifying our overall wellness and setting ourselves up for a healthy life. However, your spine is linked to many bodily processes, and when your spine becomes compromised or injured, it can disrupt processes like your sinuses, your nervous system, your immune system, your GI tract, and more.

Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few ways to keep your spine strong and healthy.

Start Your Yoga Practice

It doesn’t matter if you take a class or do yoga at home, it’s important to stretch your body to release tension and improve flexibility and range of motion. Yoga also offers drug-free pain relief and is a great companion with chiropractic adjustments.

Eat Well and Hydrate

Eating well and hydrating will help ensure your body is running at 100%, not to mention help you maintain a healthy body weight that will help support your spine.

Build Your Back

Start engaging your core, which means working your core muscle group (your back, midsection, etc.). As your back and neck build strength, you’ll begin to feel off if you don’t exercise your back and neck.

Visiting the chiropractor is also a great way to help maintain the health of your spine. To learn more about our treatments for the entire family, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation.

3 Health Coach Benefits



The benefits of enlisting the services of an experienced health coach are many. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we aim to provide services to our patients beyond chiropractic treatment that will help patients enjoy happier, healthier lives. Health coaching is an additional service we provide to help you get to the very best version of you.

Below are a few benefits that come along with getting a health coach.

Saves You Money in the Long Run

Getting a health coach is a great step toward achieving the level of health you’ve always wanted, which will help you avoid costly health problems down the road.

Lifestyle Advice

Your health coach will be able to provide you with valuable lifestyle advice in addition to nutrition consultation.

Customized Service

A good health coach will come up with a custom-tailored plan to meet your specific goals.

Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation. We’re so much more than just your neighborhood family chiropractic care specialist.

Chiropractic for Your Digestive Health



Chiropractic treatments are known to help the back, neck, joints, even the legs, but it is less commonly known that chiropractic adjustments actually help with a number of other health problems or dysfunctions as well.

Chiropractic treatments have been shown to benefit the GI system as well, helping your digestive system function at optimum capacity.

Why Subluxations Affect the Digestive System

Pressure that occurs in the nervous system which results from subluxation (otherwise called spine misalignment) is believed to play a significant role in digestive problems.

Subluxations can affect the way your body digests and absorbs nutrients. That’s why it’s important to pursue chiropractic adjustments, which help align the spine and positively effects your GI system, immune system, sinuses, and more.

Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic Today

Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today if you’re experiencing problems with your digestive system. Chiropractic adjustments just might be the answer to your problems.

Tips for Keeping Your Child Engaged



As holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year come around, it might be a little more difficult for your child to stay engaged when it comes to school and building their foundation. However, there are simple measures you can take to ensure that your child is motivated and focused on what matters as we come to the close of the calendar year.

Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few ways to keep kids engaged when their focus may be dwindling.

Add Some Incentive

It might seem like an absurd idea to give your child incentive when Halloween and Christmas are around the corner, however, giving your child a goal to accomplish and rewarding such an accomplishment should be seen as an isolated thing. It’s an effective tool to get a great push out of your child’s productivity.

Stay on Top of Sleep

Lack of focus might even come down to a lack of sleep. Make sure that your child is getting 9 hours of sleep every night, no matter what.

Let Them Choose

If your child lacks motivation and inspiration, let them take up a new constructive hobby, like playing an instrument, or learning a new language. Let them choose what they engage in to ensure they stay motivated.

Chiropractic adjustments are also a great way to boost your child’s cognition and mental focus. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic to learn more.

How to Set Goals for the Coming Year



Even though it’s only October, the new year will be here before you know it. This means that everyone is crafting their new year’s resolutions, and when we make our new year’s resolutions, it’s hugely important to set realistic goals that still push you to new heights.

Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few ways to more intelligently and effectively set and achieve the goals you make in the coming year.

Start Something New

Instead of getting even better at something you’re already good at, set a goal to get better at something that you’re horrible at. It is a character-building experience to start out at something and be horrible at it, then slowly put in the work and effort to get good!

Stop Setting Aesthetic Goals

Instead of setting a goal to shed a specific amount of pounds or take X amount of inches off your waistline, set goals that are more geared toward feeling great. If you’re feeling great, it’s going to be hard not to look good, right?

Set Realistic and Unrealistic Goals

Instead of simply setting goals you know you’re bound to achieve, set a few elusive goals that you won’t likely be able to complete. It’s important to always have room for improvement as each year comes to a close. 

Chiropractic at Any Stage of the Game



Did you know that chiropractic treatments are effective as a drug-free pain management protocol as well as an overall wellness supplement for patients of all ages and from all walks of life? It doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant and expecting, a toddler going through growing pains, an anxiety-ridden teenager, or even a retiree enjoying their advanced age, chiropractic offers a host of health benefits you have to experience to believe.

Below are a few ways that chiropractic treatment benefits you at any stage of your lifespan.


Infants and children who undergo chiropractic treatments have a more comfortable transition as they advance in age and size. Chiropractic adjustments have also been shown to improve mood and sleep, not to mention the respiratory system, GI system, and help clear the sinuses.


Teens and adults going through their respective grinds can enjoy chiropractic treatments for drug-free pain relief, increased mobility, increased cognitive function, not to mention treat headaches and tech neck.

Senior Citizens

Seniors enjoy an entire slew of benefits from chiropractic adjustments, including increased range of motion, joint pain relief, arthritis relief, and more.

Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation. We provide treatments that benefit the entire family!

How to Choose Your Chiropractic Care Specialist



Choosing a chiropractor in Sacramento, CA is serious business, and you should make sure that you choose the most knowledgeable candidate, someone who can serve the entire family and provide a comfortable atmosphere and experience in the process.

Below are a few things you should consider when choosing your chiropractic care specialist in Sacramento, CA.

Make Sure Your Chiropractor Operates Out of a Top-Notch Facility

Making sure your chiropractor works out of a great facility should weigh heavily on your choice for a chiropractic care specialist. Make sure the facility is up-to-date and that their tools and equipment are state-of-the-art. Make an initial appointment to take a tour if you have the time this is a great investment.

Good Reviews

It’s important to take note of your chiropractor’s reviews, but make sure to use your intuition. If all of the reviews sound the same and they’re all perfect, this might be due to a business padding their reviews with PR firms. Instead, try to choose a chiropractor that has amazing reviews, and maybe a few that aren’t so amazing. But make sure that your chosen chiropractor has handled adversity well. If they address problems previous patients have had in the past with poise and grace, you should give brownie points for this.

Amazing Staff

During your initial visit, make sure to take note of how the staff treats both you and the patients who visit while you’re there. Again, go with your intuition. If you have a good feeling about the staff, the location, and the chiropractor, then we’d say that should be a green light!

Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today if you have any additional questions about how to choose your local chiropractor in Sacramento, CA. We have a long track record of keeping our patients healthy and well, not to mention well-informed!

Tips for Staying Active in Retirement



For those of us who are fortunate enough to see our retirement years, new challenges may arise when it comes to what we do with our time now that we have so much more of it to spare. Whether it’s taking on a new project, going back to school, or committing to running a half marathon, there are ways to stay active in retirement that will set you up for fulfilling later chapters in the story of your life.

Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few tips when it comes to staying active while being retired.

Initially, Say YES to Everything

When you’re in your first days and weeks of retirement, try to inject yourself into other people’s lives. Try to be of service where you can — whether that means babysitting for your grandchildren, helping a neighbor with their yard work, or anything else that presents itself to you.

Set New Fitness Goals

It’s true that you might not be able to do the things you used to do, but you can still stay up on your fitness in retirement. Take a yoga or Tai Chi class, for instance. Go on more nature hikes, or at the very least try to walk in the morning and evening. 

Start Filling Up Your Life Resume

If you’re retired, chances are you’ve put a premium on your career and making sound financial choices. This might have required making sacrifices in other areas of your life, like traveling and chalking up new and adventurous experiences. Now is the time to travel to the places you’ve always wanted to go. Visit that coffee shop on the other side of town that you’ve passed for twenty years and never been inside.

Chiropractic treatments are a great way to maintain your body and wellness when you’re young and more advanced in age alike. We help our patients stay in the game of life longer with traditional and innovative treatments that help you live a more fulfilling life. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation.

Counterproductive Habits to Cut Out of Your Life ASAP



When it comes to our own well-being, some of us might think we know and do what is best for ourselves, but, in reality, such might not be the case. On the contrary, we might be engaging in behaviors and actions that are working against us — physically, mentally, and even spiritually.

Below are a few bad habits to kick immediately for a happier, healthier life.

1.) Stop Wasting Your Time

When you start looking at your time like the precious commodity it is, you’ll start to focus on spending your time doing things that benefit you and those around you. You might also start to notice those activities you engage in which might not bring out the best in you and realize it’s time to cut those out completely.

2.) Sitting with Bad Posture

You might not realize it, but sitting with bad posture can seriously put your body and your brain out of whack. Poor posture has been linked to spine problems, low back pain, headaches, sinus congestion, insomnia, and more.

3.) Address Your Problems Head-On

Take a personal inventory and take note of your strengths and weaknesses. Target your weaknesses and start improving them and working on them.

Chiropractic treatments are a great way to set the tone for a happy, healthy life. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation and learn more about how our treatments can benefit you and your entire family.