3 Easy, Breezy Longevity Hacks

Sometimes it’s the simple things we do in our routines which have the largest impact, and, when it comes to our longevity, the same is true. Many of the tips we provide below are simple tweaks you can make in your routine to maximize your wellness, which will help you feel better and live longer.

We have a lot to do in this life, and if you follow the steps below you’ll be setting up yourself to stay in the game for the long haul.

1.) Sleep Well

Bet you didn’t think that one of our longevity tips has to do with doing nothing. Simply by shutting it all down and laying your head to rest for at least 7 hours daily, you’ll be giving your body and brain the regenerative sleep it needs to start the day fully refreshed. Anything less will have residual effects that have been linked to diseases and health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s. 

2.) Eat Clean

When you start eating clean and cutting out processed sugar and processed carbohydrates out of your diet, you won’t have to worry about walking through a large portion of the grocery store. Stick to clean, whole foods and you’ll mainly only have to peruse the peripherals of the grocery store!

3.) Visit Your Local Chiropractor in Sacramento, CA

Visiting Espinosa Family Chiropractic for chiropractic treatments and adjustments will help you boost your wellness, avoid injury, and treat pain the drug-free all-natural way. Contact us today to learn about the many health benefits you can achieve with chiropractic treatment.

4 Ways to Stay Healthy in July



The summer season is in full swing and Espinosa Family Chiropractic would like to go over a few ways to stay active in July. During the summer season, it’s especially easy for us to slack off on our wellness routines — whether that be canceling that yoga class on the weekend, skipping a workout in lieu of going to the beach, or slacking on our normally nutritious diet.

Below are a few ways to maximize your wellness in July, which will help you finish out the third quarter of the year.

Meal Prep

Things might be busy, which means it’s a great idea to stay on top of your diet by prepping healthy meals — that way you don’t have to worry about preparing something healthy on a daily and nightly basis. When you automate your meal prepping, it will free you up to get more work and exercise done during the week. You’ll also be giving your body healthy fuel!

Learn Something New

Take a martial arts or MMA class. Learn how to do yoga. By taking a new class and learning a new thing, you’ll be gleaning countless benefits, hold yourself accountable for showing up, not to mention join a community that will also try to hold you accountable.

Engage in Active Recovery

Visiting the chiropractor, building a healthy yoga practice, and keeping a healthy diet will help you bounce back from the weekly grind, not to mention intense workouts. To learn more about how chiropractic adjustments can help many facets of your life, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today.

Chiropractic for Menstrual & Premenstrual Syndrome Issues



Many women (a large majority of them, actually) live with PMS symptoms — some minor in severity, and others experiencing symptoms ranging from mild bloating to severe mood swings and lethargy. Menstrual and premenstrual syndrome issues tend to reach their peak awfulness when women are in their late 20s to their early 40s.

10-20% of women experience severe symptoms from PMS that curb their wellness and productivity.

Chiropractic Offers a Drug-Free Solution

Many doctors might prescribe medication for treating PMS symptoms, but chiropractic care aims to correct subluxations in the spine that could be affecting the communication system in your body, affecting your organs, hormones, adn more.

Reduce PMS Symptom Severity

Studies are showing that women who consistently explore the benefits of chiropractic treatments see a reduction in severity when it comes to their PMS symptoms. 

Chiropractic care has also been shown to assist in nerve tissue regulation in the lower abdomen, which helps reduce pressure and irritation.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to learn more about how chiropractic treatments can help women having menstrual issues or living with heavy symptoms from PMS.

Chiropractic During Pregnancy



Did you know that chiropractic treatments can benefit patients during all stages of their lifespan, pregnancy included?

The Body Changes During Pregnancy

When the body goes through something like pregnancy there are many changes. Hauling around the extra weight for 9 months can really start to take its toll on the body and chiropractic treatments are the perfect antidote for the stress the mind and body go through during the various stages of pregnancy.

Your body undeniably changes shape and the experience can negatively affect your posture, which chiropractic treatments/adjustments will help correct. Chirorpactic also offers a drug-free pain management solution to patients, helping them successfully work through joint and back pain.

Boost Your Mood

Chiropractic treatments will also improve your mood and have been shown to reduce anxiety, reduce depression, even help with insomnia. Chiropractic treatments also improve neurfunctionality. It’s a great idea to implement chiropractic treatments into your pregnancy wellness plan because it will ultimately be a better experience for your baby.

Reduce Labor/Delivery Time

During labor and delivery chiropractic treatments have been shown to be beneficial, too, reducing overall labor time and time to deliver the baby in patients who had undergone consistent chiropractic treatments prior.

If you have any questions about the additional benefit chiropractic treatments have to offer during pregnancy, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today.

Lifting Technique Dos and Don’ts



When it comes to proper lifting technique, some of us may be missing the mark without even knowing about it, which can open us up to all sorts of workplace injuries, not to mention injuries at home, and even in the gym when we’re trying to get fit.

Below are some of the main Dos and Don’ts when it comes to lifting heavy objects.

Lifting Dos

Do make sure that you squat down and lift with your legs. Make sure that your feet are shoulder-witch apart or thereabouts and that one foot is slightly ahead of the other, without sacrificing your center of gravity. Keep whatever you’re lifting close to your body because when you hold that object outside from your body you’re putting undue amounts of pressure on your back. Try to always grab a friend or coworker to assist you when lifting a heavy object, too.

Lifting Don’ts

Make sure that you avoid bending over to lift an object and never lift with your back. If you have your feet too close together you will risk losing your footing and your center of gravity, so try to keep a wide base. Always avoid lifting heavy objects by yourself.

If you have any questions about proper lifting technique or if you experience an injury from lifting a heavy object, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation.

Chiropractic for Bed Wetting



At Espinosa Family Chiropractic we have a long track record of treating patients of all ages, entire families as a matter of fact.

Many children experience bed wetting and the causes of this problem are not totally understood, even in this day and age. Bed wetting occurs most commonly in children ages 4 and under, but older children can also be affected.

Identifying the Source of the Problem

Children can experience bed wetting due to their underdeveloped bladders. Their bodies may not be able to identify a full bladder just yet. If a child is wetting the bed after not doing it for a long period of time, this could be due to stress — for instance, a change in the environment, divorce, marital problems, some sort of health disorder, or even could be a sign of abuse.

Your Child’s Bed-Wetting Could Be Due to Irritated Nerves

Oftentimes irritated nerves which are tasked with controlling the bladder’s functionality is are the root of the problem. This particular set of nerves exit the Sacrum, an area of the spine — which is one large fused bone in an adult but only five individual segments in a child. When these segments become misaligned, this can serious compromise in the nerves that are responsible for normal bladder function.

Although chiropractic care is not traditionally a treatment used for bed wetting, it’s actually helped many children living with the problem.

If your child is wetting the bed, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic for drug-free, all-natural solutions.

Ways to Treat GI Problems



Your gastrointestinal system is a vital component of your body’s health and functionality. In many ways, our gut affects our physical health and our mental health. Chiropractic care is one method of treatment that can help relieve GI problems, which we’ll go further into below along with listing some additional ways you can reduce GI problems.

Change Your Diet

Change in dietary habits can go a long way in re-establishing your gut health. Eating fiber and staying away from processed sugar and carbs will also help. Try reducing dairy and see if that works, too.

Drink More Water and Less Soda

Soda and other carbonated beverages can really do a number on your stomach. Sticking with water is a great way to improve your health without dealing with the nonsense soft drinks have to offer.

Visit the Chiropractor

We know what you’re thinking: how on earth can my chiropractor help my GI problems. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic we perform spinal manipulation treatments that will get your spine and torso in proper alignment. Patients with GI problems have shown improvement of symptoms when undergoing chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic manipulation also helps reduce neurological dysfunction, which has been linked to GI problems.

If you have any questions about how we can help relieve your GI problems the drug-free way, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation.

Chiropractic for Ear Infections



Did you know that chiropractic treatments aren’t just for patients who suffer from back pain and immobility. Chiropractic adjustments have also been shown to treat things like headaches, insomnia, stress, and even ear infections.

Ear Aches Are Common in Children

Some children experience chronic ear problems, many times from infection. Bacterial or viral infections can come about after a cold, for instance. When a child experiences repeated infection, hearing damage can certainly occur, not to mention problems with speech and their development.

What’s Going on During an Ear Infection?

An ear infection is the result of the lymph system in the neck experiencing drainage problems. Infection can also occur lack of muscle functionality when it comes to the muscles that deter bacteria and viruses from entering the back of the throat tubes.

A big reason why children experience ear infections more often is because adults have larger tubes which allow for improved drainage.

Chiropractic: A Drug-Free Solution to Ear Infections

Antibiotics are generally prescribed to help kill infections, which haven’t exactly been proven to be more effective than your body’s own nervous system. Neither drainage or antibiotics treat the underlying condition.

Doctors of chiropractic are able to effectively diagnose ear infection problems, not to mention provide treatment that can restore tissue function in the neck. As a result, chiropractic treatment can significantly reduce, of not altogether eliminate, ear infections without medicinal or surgical intervention. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to learn how we can help treat conditions beyond back pain.

3 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress



Stress can come in a variety of forms and come about from a variety of stimuli. However, it’s always up to us as individuals to decide how we respond to exterior forces and events. Below Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few simple ways to reduce stress. We say “simple” because practicing these principles in your life might not be easy, but they will always be worth the effort and pay off in dividends when it comes to your mental and physical health.

1.) Stay Active

Our ancestors got something like 15,000 steps in hunting and gathering. It was a necessity. As a result, we’re genetically wired to need a certain amount of activity per day. 10,000 steps is a reasonable goal every day. If you can, exercise during the week or on the weekends, whenever you can get it in. When you work yourself to physical exertion, you’ll earn better sleep.

2.) Meditate/Practice Mindfulness

Sitting in silence and letting your thoughts settle is a great way to get to know yourself and observe the way you think. Let thoughts pass like driftwood. You’ll entertain some, but remember that you’re not supposed to think during meditatin, so bring yourself back to your mental silence. It’s hard not to think of anything, you might find, but doing this 10-20 minutes daily will bring you a newfound peace of mind. Combining meditation and deep breathing is great for reducing overall stress.

3.) Do Yoga

Take a yoga class or build your yoga practice at home. Your body responds to stress just as much as your mind does, after all. Yoga will give your body the relief and decompression it needs to recalibrate for the day.

Speaking of recalibration, chiropractic adjustments have also been shown to reduce stress and help with conditions like anxiety and insomnia. Give Espinosa Family Chiropractic a call `today to schedule your one-on-one consultation.

Chiropractic for Basketball Players



In observance of the NBA Finals, Espinosa Family Chiropractic would like to go over some special ways that chiropractic care can benefit the basketball player.

It turns out that basketball players in particular put extra pressure on their back, legs, and joints. There’s a lot of running on hardwood floors, jumping, and falling to the ground when crashing for rebounds or diving for the ball that can take a serious toll on anyone’s body.

Chiropractic is Good for Your Joints

Chiropractic care has been shown to improve joint functionality and reduce joint pain the all-natural, drug-free way.

Chiropractic is Great for Pain Relief

After a game chiropractic care can be an excellent part of a recovery protocol, providing drug-free pain relief benefits to those who take the time to pursue it.

Avoid Future Injury

Chiropractic care will help your body and brain function at optimum capacity. With new and increased flexibility and range of motion you’ll be less prone to injury.

If you have any additional questions about how chiropractic care can benefits athletes and baskeball players, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today.