Have a Safe and Healthy Memorial Day!

At Espinosa Family Chiropractic we like to keep our diverse patient base updated on the latest health trends, which are relevant during the work week, and also relevant when you’re at play. Memorial Day weekend is a perfect opportunity to clear your head, stay active, and treat yourself well.

Below are a few ways to stay active and healthy over the holiday weekend.

Get a Massage

Instead of hitting the beach, why not hit the massage table. Give your body some much needed TLC.

Stay Active

Go on a run. Go on a hike. If you’re hitting up the beach, take a swim or paddleboard. Memorial Day weekend is a great opportunity to stay active on top of the normal festivities.

Stay Hydrated

One of the best things you can do for yourself on Memorial Day is protect yourself from the sun. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water for good measure. It’s great for your spine, joints, and your body and brain at large.

If you have any questions about how to optimize your health with chiropractic care, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic. We provide chiropractic care for the whole family.

Chiropractic for Athletes



Not many athletes go to chiropractic care when they think of useful recovery methods, but it can be a very worthwhile pursuit, especially for the athlete trying to recover quickly and drug-free, not to mention up their game on multiple levels.

Below Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few ways that chiropractic care is beneficial for athletes.

Relieve Back, Neck, Spine, and Joints

Your back, neck, spine, and your joints are all going to take a considerable amount of abuse in any athletic pursuit, and chiropractic care is an excellent way to make sure your body is getting the stress relief and regenerative time it needs to function at optimum capacity.

Improve Cognitive Function

Chiropractic care also improves the mind/body connection, improving the communication between your brain and the rest of your body, which can get seriously jammed up due to spine misalignment. 

Improve Recovery Time

If you’re having to spend significant time recovering from your workouts and athletic activity, then chiropractic care can be an excellent way to get back in the game faster and perform more effectively from day to day.

If you have any additional questions about how chiropractic care can improve your life, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today.

Tips to Incorporate Yoga into Your Daily Routine



Taking better care of our bodies — especially when it comes to exercising and (almost equally important) stretching your body — is something we all tend to put on the backburner. But, the truth is, giving our bodies the relief it needs after the daily grind should be a top priority.

Yoga is a great way to boost your overall wellness and a fantastic way to give your muscles, bones, and joints a tremendous amount of relief. Below Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few ways to make yoga a part of your daily routine.

1.) Work Yoga

Getting some stretching in at work will serve you well. If you’re on your feet a lot or sitting at the desk for hours on end, try to take certain times out of the day to do a few poses and a few stretches. A little goes a long way. Your coworkers might even start to join in!

2.) At-Home Yoga

Create a space in your home where you can do your yoga practice. Even if you only take 10 minutes a day, your body will thank you in many ways.

3.) Join a Class

Joining a yoga class or an exercise class of any sort will hold you accountable for showing up. It’s a great investment that will keep on giving back.

If you have any questions about how to incorporate yoga into your routine, or if you have any questions about how chiropractic care can be an excellent supplement to any wellness routine, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today.

How to Get Better Sleep Each Night



Sleep can be an evasive thing for some, especially those of us who have schedules outside of the 9-5 realm. Even those of us with a 9-5 job might be prone to drinking too much caffeine or not getting enough physical activity sitting at a desk and staring at a computer screen.

Eating a poor diet can also affect the way you sleep, not to mention the stresses of daily life. Below are a few ways to achieve a more restful night’s sleep, which will help boost your wellness, your mental altertness, and your productivity.

1.) Cardio and Strength Train

High intensity training is a great way to burn off that excess energy you have. We come from ancestors who spent the days hunting and gathering, so when we shut ourselves in cubicles and offices, we’re basically keeping a hyena in a cage.

2.) Diet and Hydrate

Eating clean, whole foods and staying hydrated throughout the day will help your body function at its optimum capacity, which will help you achieve more restful sleep at night and remain more effective throughout the day.

3.) No Screens Past 8pm

Stop watching TV or scrolling through your phone for at least one hour before you go to sleep. Blue light affects your eyes and will also compromise a restful night of sleep.

Chiropractic care is a great complement to the measures you can take mentioned above that will help you achieve peak wellness. Chiropractic care has even been shown to be beneficial in treating anxiety and insomnia. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation.

3 Common Causes of Middle Back Pain



When we talk about back pain a lot of times we end up talking about low back pain, since our core is very much tied into our mobility and especially susceptible to injury.

However, your middle back is another vulnerable area to injury and should be treated with care and built for the long haul. Below we go over some of the most common causes of middle back pain and what you can do to ensure you don’t have to go through it.

1.) Your Job

What you do for work is very much tied to what sort of injuries you may experience over the course of your employment history. Doing things for long hours on end or repeating the same motion over and over again can lead to chronic conditions and middle back pain.

2.) What You’re Doing for Exercise

Many of us engage in contact sports, whether it be basketball, hockey, volleyball, or MMA. All of the sports previously listed pose significant risks to your back, especially our middle back. Make sure you engage in a rigorous stretch routine after you exercise. Make sure you also eat healthy and engage in active recovery.

3.) Your Hobbies / Driving

Hobbies like binge-watching Netflix can lead to back problems, especially low back pain. Driving also poses a significant risk to your middle back due to the fact that not many car seats are engineered with your back, neck, and spine in mind. There is also the increased chances of getting into an accident, which is also a common contributor to middle back pain. To remedy this, try to limit time in the car and if driving in long spurts, make use of road stops to get out and stretch your back and legs. Engaging in a stretch routine after every episode or two during binge-watching will also lower your risk of experiencing middle back pain.

If you have middle back pain that persists in light of staying active and engaging in active recovery, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today.

Chiropractic for Pregnant Patients



Did you know that the benefits of chiropractic care extend to patients who are in various stages of pregnancy? It’s true! Chiropractic care can be enjoyed and experienced by patients of all ages, body types, and going through all sorts of life cycles.

Below Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over the benefits pregnant patients can experience through pursuing chiropractic care.

Repair Your Body

Through pregnancy, many women can experience joint pain and spine misalignment. In such cases, chiropractic care is an essential drug-free solution to add to your repertoire. 

Drug-Free, All-Natural Pain Relief

It’s true that at many stages of pregnancy a woman is going to experience pain and discomfort. Many collaborative chiropractic and medical studies have shown that up to 75% of pregnant chiropractic care patients reported pain relief without the aid of any sort of medication.

Have a Better Delivery

Many studies are showing improved outcomes during labor and delivery in women who receive chiropractic care during pregnancy. Chiropractic can actually help reduce the amount of time you spend in labor. Chiropractic also helps you maintain comfort, reduce pain in the joints, and helps control nausea symptoms.

If you’re pregnant and wondering if chiropractic care is right for you, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today.


3 Wellness Hacks for Your Diet



At Espinosa Family Chiropractic we provide chiropractic treatments which provide drug-free all-natural solutions to our patients. Another part of what we do is educate our patients about what they can do at home to increase their levels of wellness.

Below we go over a few ways you can tweak your diet to start experiencing some major health benefits on a daily basis.

1.) Eat More Greens

Eat more greens, yes, but also try to eat all the colors on the color spectrum on a daily basis. Red onions, kale, blueberries, raspberries, banana, walnuts, squash, orange peppers — you get the idea. When you incorporate more vegetables in your diet, you’ll start feeling noticeably more amazing on a daily basis.

2.) Cut the Junk

Limit cheating your diet to one day a week. Sure, on that one day anything goes diet-wise, but the rest of the week you should definitely be sticking to the script with your diet.

3.) Think About When You Eat

When you eat is nearly as important as how much you eat. Don’t eat past 8 pm if your schedule permits. Try to extend your breakfast time as long as you can to achieve an intermittent fast, which will help you maintain ideal body weight, increase alertness and awareness, and give you a surplus in energy.

If you have any additional questions about how you can change your diet to achieve your full potential, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today.

5 Outdoor Summer Activities in Sacramento, CA



This summer is a great opportunity to get outdoors when you work in your cardio or fitness routine.

At Espinosa Family Chiropractic we believe that staying active is an important part of staying healthy and avoiding injury. When your body is used to firing on all cylinders and being pushed to exertion regularly, you’ll experience a host of health benefits and make you resistant to chronic illness, disease, and, yes, even injury. Below we go over a few outdoor activities you can engage in our in the Sacramento, CA area and beyond.

1.) Paddleboarding

Paddleboarding is a great way to get outside, soak in scenic views, and engage your core!

2.) Rock Climbing

Rock climbing, as long as it’s done safely and on the buddy system, is a great workout that strengthens your back.

3.) Outdoor Yoga

Instead of opting for the sweaty studio, do a solo yoga routine out in the woods or on the beach in the morning.

4.) Running

Running is a great way to strengthen your legs and it’s a hard activity to match cardio-wise. Just make sure you’re stretching and running with good shoes and practicing good form.

5.) Swimming

Swimming is another activity that is amazing for your back and your core. Swimming also brings the added bonus of being low impact.

When you engage in any of the activities mentioned above, it’s important that you have a good recovery plan, and Espinosa Family Chiropractic is a great companion to an active lifestyle. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. Together, we’ll help you achieve new balance and a new level of wellness.

What to Look for in a Chiropractor



At Espinoza Family Chiropractic our patients can count on getting the best possible chiropractic care for their entire family. Even though our patients come to expect excellence from us, we like to remind potential patients what they deserve when they step through the front doors of a quality chiropractic care practice.

Below are a few stand-out qualities an excellent chiropractor will exhibit at all times.

Great Team

Everyone working at your chiropractor’s office should be helpful, friendly, and make sure that you as a patient get everything you need from your visit.

Professional Expertise

It’s a good idea to check out your chiropractor’s background to make sure that they have the certifications necessary to treat you. Make sure to check out their website and their Yelp reviews as well. If they have a Facebook page, make sure to check for good reviews!

Superb Communication Skills

Any chiropractor worth their salt will be able to effectively communicate with you to resolve any issues you have and give you the best possible individualized care.

Comfortable Atmosphere

Your chiropractor’s office should be a place where you feel comfortable and cared for. We’ve heard of some chiropractors operating out of their basement or in their mother’s home and a reputable service should never do that to a patient.

If you have any additional questions about what you should expect from a quality chiropractic care practice, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today.

Winter Makes Way for Spring: How Your Body Can Beneit

chiropractor sacramento

chiropractor sacramento

Winter is the unhealthiest season of the year

It is often the point of the year where we feel most fatigued on a daily basis. And there is a biological reason for this: with less daylight, the body produces more melatonin which makes us feel drowsier than normal. This sets the tone for seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a mood disorder usually experienced during winter time. But spring is here, and it’s time to shake yourself out of it. Need some help? Read on.

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