Treating Herniated Discs with Cox Technic Flexion/Distraction

herniate disc sacramento

herniate disc sacramento

The severity of herniated discs varies

From a barely noticeable injury that heals itself to a crippling painful condition that knocks you out of action indefinitely, herniated discs vary widely in scope and severity. While it is true that most people have the capacity to heal their herniated disc by themselves, for others the injury can develop into a chronic condition. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, it is our foremost priority to stop this from happening. To us, successfully healing a herniated disc goes far beyond just getting rid of the pain. It also involves:

  • restoring full range of motion
  • restoring full strength to the supporting musculature
  • preventing the injury from recurring

The first step is a proper diagnosis. From there we determine which modalities will benefit you the most. Read on to learn about one of our most successful techniques for rehabilitating herniated discs.

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The Power of Spinal Health Habits, For Better or Worse

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chiropractor sacramento

How do your habits affect your spine?

Short answer, greatly. Spinal health is best thought of as a daily, if not hourly, struggle to maintain balance and prevent degeneration. Every little activity you undertake during the day, even if it is no activity at all, is going to have an effect on this system. Starting in our 30s, bone and muscle loss sets in and the challenge takes on a whole new dimension. Being proactive about your spinal health is not only about exercising, eating well and using good posture, but also about being aware at every moment of how your activities and habits affect your spine. Let’s take a look at some bad spinal health habits and see how you are doing:

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Postpartum: Body Rehabilitation Begins

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chiropractor sacramento

Overcome with joy with your newborn 

And adjusting to the mental stress and responsibility of life with a new life, it can be easy to forget that your body has a veritable mountain to climb. You will probably lose 12 pounds right away, including the weight of the baby, placenta, some blood and amniotic fluid. Many women ask us why they still look pregnant in the weeks or months after pregnancy. The answer is that your abdominal muscles are stretched to the max! It takes patience and dedication to get your stomach back in shape, and some women are never able to fully banish the pregnancy pouch.

But a further consideration is the state of your spine which, for most women, suffers immensely during the pregnancy process. Your pelvic ligaments remain loose for a period of months after pregnancy meaning that the destabilized state persists. We treat many women who complain that the aches and pains of pregnancy are still with them, even though there baby has been with us for weeks. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we have a plan for helping new mothers regain a pain-free life.

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Why is Corrective Chiropractic Care Different?

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chiropactor sacramento

What does corrective chiropractic care entail?

This is a comprehensive approach to healthcare that starts by evaluating the Central Nervous System (CNS) and spinal function. Because the spine houses the CNS, it follows that spinal dysfunction will interfere with the proper functioning of everything in your life, as the CNS controls most functions of the body and mind. Our job as practitioners of Corrective Care Chiropractic is to not only control pain, but to fearlessly search and resolve the causes of your spinal dysfunction. Let’s take a look at how this works. 

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Weight Matters for Spinal Health

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chiropractor sacramento

Being overweight: the greatest burden your spine can’t bear

When it comes to spinal health, carrying extra weight is akin to shooting yourself in the foot. Your spine and the surrounding muscles already have enough to contend with considering gravity and the onset of spinal degeneration that comes with age. So when you add superfluous weight into the mix, those same muscles have to work harder to keep you upright and pain free. The logical conclusion is muscle strain, which causes pain in of itself. But once your muscles cease to support your spine properly, your posture changes; the proper functioning of your spinal motion segments becomes altered. This is how weight leads to long-term spinal problems. 

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Integrating Massage Therapy with Chiropractic Care

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chiropractor sacramento

Giving yourself the best chance at wellbeing

Healthcare is best thought of as multi-dimensional: it incorporates everything you and your healthcare team do to take care of you; this includes you as a (key) team player! From the food you eat to the exercise you take to the medicine you receive, healthcare is an integrative method of keeping you alive and well. Chiropractic is another cog in this machine- a conservative method of care that adds another entire dimension of support to your wellbeing. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we believe that chiropractic’s natural modalities are essential to an individual’s musculoskeletal health. Remaining upright and pain-free in old age is dependent upon proactively taking care of your spine. And while most of society is too busy to spare a thought for posture, we are here as advocates and professional reference points for your spine’s well-being. 

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The Power of Functional Wellness

functional wellness sacramento

functional wellness sacramento

Functional Wellness focuses on the health as a whole in order to influence the health of individual parts

Chiropractors, physiotherapists, and nutritionists are among the leading lights in the functional wellness movement. We seek to help our patients take a new approach to healthcare which emphasizes the combination of knowledge and natural healthcare approaches with functional medicine to create profound changes in the way you feel, look and function on a daily basis. We take the time to work with you on an individual basis to create a plan that is:

  • Holistic
  • Safe
  • Preventive 
  • Evidence-based
  • Promoting optimal function

So how does functional wellness work? 

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Preventing Back Pain While Biking

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chiropractor sacramento

Cycling and lower back pain go hand in hand

A cycling habit is great for physical fitness, happiness and social well-being. Cycling gets you out for varying degrees of exercise and lets you access the outdoors in a truly unique way. But, as with all physical activities, you need to be careful that your fitness habit is not causing your back pain. The fact is that cycling, because of the mechanical factors involved in the motion, lends itself to back pain. Indeed, people who have no previous history of back pain find that when they start biking, they also gain a tender lower back. But that doesn’t have to be the case! We have identified the factors that matter for keeping you on the road and leaving the back pain behind!

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Will You Still Be Active When You’re 80?

Chiropractor sacramento

Chiropractor sacramento

Are you looking foward to old age?

It Is hard to envision life at 80- the mere number brings on feelings of anxiety and questions with intangible answers. But we are here to tell you that, while it may be difficult, now is the right time to start envisioning your life in old age. The more we think about it now, the more we can take an active hand in determining what kind of life we will lead In the future. One of the best ways to think about your future is through the lens of spinal health. Whether we like it or not, our spines will play a make-or-break role in our wellbeing in old age. If we start taking care of our spines now, old age will be exponentially easier and less Painful. 

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Healing Modalities for Athletes: The Deep Friction Massage

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chiropractor sacramento

Smart, safe, effective healing for athletes 

The most common sports injuries involve ligament sprains and tendon strains. The severity of these injuries ranges between limiting your performance and preventing you from engaging in physical activity altogether.  At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, a major part of our philosophy is helping athletes heal quickly and effectively. Because exercise is one of the cornerstones of wellness, it is our responsibility to offer you all our knowledge and expertise in support of keeping you active. Deep friction massage is an excellent modality for healing common sports injuries, but it must be carried out by a skilled set of hands. Fortunately, we have those hands! Read on to find out more.

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