Does Anterior Pelvic Tilt Make My Butt Look Big?

anterior pelvic tilt and back pain in sacramento

anterior pelvic tilt and back pain in sacramento

Does your butt stick out or your stomach protrude? 

You may have anterior pelvic tilt, a positioning of the body that involves, you guessed it, an exaggerated forward tilting of the pelvis. In this position, there is also an exaggerated arch in the lower back and, as a result your butt will stick out and your stomach will protrude. This is a problem for more serious reasons than making you look funny. If you allow your spine to remain in this hyperextended position as its normal posture, you are putting yourself at enhanced risk for conditions such as:

  • facet joint syndrome
  • spondyloisthesis
  • spinal stenosis

…not to mention that this positioning affects your posture in other ways and could be the source of your back pain. 

Why do I have anterior pelvic tilt? 

Sitting too much, the great evil of our time is probably at least partially at fault. When you sit too much, some of the muscles which control your pelvis get overly tight while others get overly weak from lack of use. The general result of this is a net forward tilt of the pelvis and an increased arch of the spine. 

How we go about fixing anterior pelvic tilt in Sacramento

Chirorpactic adjustment is effective for relieving pressure from spinal joints and realigning the spine which is often a big contributor to pain in cases of anterior pelvic tilt. Furthermore, we focus on unwinding tightness from overworked muscles such as the hip flexors and quads while adding in strength to muscles that are being underused such as the glutes and hamstrings. Increasing the strength of core stabilizing muscles is a great way to make holding good posture easier. Give our office a call to schedule an appointment today!

Beating Back Spasms in Sacramento

back spasms in sacramento

back spasms in sacramento

Back spasms are the symptom, not the condition

Let’s define a “back spasm,” as a sudden, involuntary tightening of a muscle in the back. If that doesn’t sound painful enough by itself, imagine that this uncontrollable tightening happens regularly; now that’s a problem. Back spasms are often brought on by excessive strain, acute injury or by repetitive trauma that wears down the spine over time and contributes to nerve compression. 

The anatomy of a back spasm

When a spinal condition or injury creates compression on the nerve roots which exit the spinal cord, a sharp pain occurs; a warning signal telling your body to stop moving in order to prevent further pain. These same nerves control muscle contraction in the back; people often seize up in a natural reflex to the spasm. Conditions that are most often linked to back spasms include:

  • Disc herniation
  • Muscle and ligament damage
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Arthritis
  • Ruptured disc
  • Other injuries

This makes it all the more important to get a proper diagnosis as to what exactly is causing your spasms and pain. 

Treating back spasms in Sacramento

If you are suffering from recurring back spasms, give our office in Sacramento a call. We begin with a conversation that includes a detailed history of your health and a physical assessment to determine what may be causing your pain. Our plan for treatment involves chiropractic adjustment to correct misalignment and alleviate nerve pressure. This allows you to return to a normal range of motion which in turn helps facilitate a faster healing process. From here, we focus on strengthening key supportive muscles and stretching to keep your muscles limber and less prone to injury. 

Is Running Among the World’s Most Dangerous Sports?

running injuries

running injuries

Why are injuries so prevalent in the running community?

For an innate human activity, nearly 1 in 2 people who run habitually will suffer an injury during the course of a year. There are a few factors at play here: the repetitive nature of running tends to stress the same muscles and joints, while the impact of striking the ground with the feet is quite jarring to the joints as well. Variety is important; if you are doing the same exact run every day, certain parts of the body will strengthen while others will suffer. So the first key to preventing injury is to make your routine more well-rounded. Read on to discover a few more tips on how to avoid injury while running.

Protecting yourself while running

  • Mix up your running surfaces: concrete is brutal for your joints; running on trails is less abrasive and will work different muscles. 
  • Pace yourself properly: optimal cadence is 180 steps per foot per minute. 
  • Adjust your stride: a longer stride means your leg strikes the ground in front of you heel first; this can be detrimental to your posture and cause you more fatigue. Try striking the ground with each foot underneath your hips to distribute forces evenly 

Chiropractic keeps you running upright

Posture is another huge factor that prevents injury while running. Staying upright, even when exhausted, is immensely important in preventing damage to the spine. The decrepit, hunched over looking runner is not getting the same workout as someone who is running upright with their chest open and striking the ground each time under the hips. We can help you address and correct injuries and get you running more efficiently; give our office in Houston a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Is Running Among the World’s Most Dangerous Sports?

running injuries

running injuries

Why are injuries so prevalent in the running community?

For an innate human activity, nearly 1 in 2 people who run habitually will suffer an injury during the course of a year. There are a few factors at play here: the repetitive nature of running tends to stress the same muscles and joints, while the impact of striking the ground with the feet is quite jarring to the joints as well. Variety is important; if you are doing the same exact run every day, certain parts of the body will strengthen while others will suffer. So the first key to preventing injury is to make your routine more well-rounded. Read on to discover a few more tips on how to avoid injury while running.

Protecting yourself while running

  • Mix up your running surfaces: concrete is brutal for your joints; running on trails is less abrasive and will work different muscles. 
  • Pace yourself properly: optimal cadence is 180 steps per foot per minute. 
  • Adjust your stride: a longer stride means your leg strikes the ground in front of you heel first; this can be detrimental to your posture and cause you more fatigue. Try striking the ground with each foot underneath your hips to distribute forces evenly 

Chiropractic keeps you running upright

Posture is another huge factor that prevents injury while running. Staying upright, even when exhausted, is immensely important in preventing damage to the spine. The decrepit, hunched over looking runner is not getting the same workout as someone who is running upright with their chest open and striking the ground each time under the hips. We can help you address and correct injuries and get you running more efficiently; give our office in Houston a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Is your Workout Well-Balanced?

balanced workout

balanced workout

What are your motives for working out? 

Looks and confidence usually feature highly on this list, as do increased strength and ability and feeling great. All of these things are massively important for generally well-being, but it is also worth looking further down the list- at your body’s longevity, at injury prevention, at preserving range of motion and fending off chronic pain. Taking into account all of these factors helps us to recalculate our workout to a more balanced equation.

Elements of a balanced workout schedule in Sacramento, CA 

  • Variety: mix it up to beat monotony; cardio one day and weights the next rather than both on one day, for example. 
  • Your core: you’ve got 29 muscles in there, not just the abs! These muscles matter for stability of the spine and often go neglected when people train their abdomen. Yoga and pilates are great for conditioning this region. 
  • An activity that makes you happy: if you are dedicated to a run-of-the-mill cardio or weight lifting program, it is worth throwing in one day a week where you pursue an activity that stimulates your happiness. 
  • A healthy dose of daily stretching: stretching is your ally at all times of the day. As part of your workout plan it is important for improving elasticity of your muscles, joints and boostin circulation. But many annoying, momentary aches can be addressed with a stretch. 
  • A dedicated warm up routine: this is where you prevent injury from occuring.
  • Following a tailor made workout plan: if you don’t know what you are doing, you could very well end up exerting a lot of effort for very little gain. Developing a balanced work out plan is very beneficial in the long run. 

We support your health endeavors in Sacramento, CA 

At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we are here to help you find balance in all aspects that affect your well-being. The efficacy of your workout does depend to a certain extent on the alignment of your spine; building muscle evenly begins with a spine in correct alignment. Give our office a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C. 

Do you Know How to Lift?



Lifting is a common motion of the human body…

…that is perhaps one of the most perilous for the back. At our office in Sacramento, we see many people who have injured their back through the seemingly innocuous motion of lifting an object.  Perhaps it is an injury that occurred when they were younger and never healed, or something more recent- the point is that you can avoid a lot of discomfort and potential degeneration of the spine by remembering to lift properly. 

Lifting with your legs, not with the back…What does this really mean? 

Whether it be a cardboard box filled with books or a paper clip, the motion is the same! You can cause injury by quickly reaching down to retrieve a dropped object just as you can cause an injury by attempting to lift something too heavy. Here is a checklist for lifting properly: 

  • Keep the object in front of you and bend at your knees into a full squat (even if its a paper clip!)
  • Lift the object in toward your chest, keeping your back straightened.
  • Tighten the muscles in the lower back, core and buttocks which will effectively lock your back into position, preventing strain of the tissues. 
  • Generating power from the legs, stand straight up. 

Lifting is a textbook example of body mechanics

Done properly, a lift should cause no damage; done incorrectly, any multitude of injuries could occur. And chances are pain will strike when you are least expecting it. Lifting correctly is about being conscientious and taking the time to keep yourself from incurring injury. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we have nothing but time for you and your body mechanics! Give us a call and schedule an appointment so we can start changing the way you feel today. 

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C.