Sinus Headaches



Sinuses play a larger role in our lives than they are often given credit for. Like many functioning parts of the body, we don’t pay them attention until they give us grief. Sinuses are located throughout the head: in the cheeks, the nose and the forehead. They are air-filled sacs or cavities that drain mucous from the nasal passageways: so, when they get blocked up, mucous builds creating a veritable breeding ground for bacteria that can lead to infection. 

The kind of congestion associated with sinus problems often leads to headaches, with presenting symptoms of pressure in the sinus regions, feelings of stuffiness and full ears that feel likely to pop. They are usually worse in the morning, after you have spent the night lying down, giving them even less chance to drain. 

So, how does this relate to chiropractic? Often, misalignment of the cervical vertebrae can interfere with the nerve communication to the sinuses. We correct any presenting subluxation and employ other methods like localized tapping to encourage the sinuses to drain. 

Anyone who has lived with chronic sinusitis knows how much of thorn it can put in their side. Along with chiropractic treatment, we encourage people to get moving, as exercise helps to improve circulation and clear out the sinuses further. Dietary considerations include consuming ingredients that contain anti-inflammatory properties and staying fully hydrated.

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C.

Strengthening and Stretching

stretching and strengthening

stretching and strengthening

Strengthening and stretching: the immortal S’s that will help you overcome back pain once and for all. Whether you are suffering acute back pain from a traumatic injury, or more generalized pain that has accrued from repetitive stress, the back can benefit from these exercises done on a daily basis. DO NOT undertake any stretch, exercise or movement that exacerbates your pain to even the slightest degree. Your best bet before starting any exercise routine is to confer face-to-face at our office in Sacramento.


  • Lay supine with knees bent, hip-width apart.
  • Raise hips slowly until a straight line is achieved between knees and chest.
  • Hold bridge for 5-10 seconds and slowly return to ground.
  • Repeat 5 times
  • Do not be discouraged if you cannot achieve the bridge at first. Many people need a few days to work their way up to it.

Wall squatting

  • Stand against wall with feet in front of body by about 12 inches.
  • Keep back straight, flex stomach muscles and lower body into a squat.
  • Squat as far as you can, with the intention of your thighs being parallel to the ground.
  • Hold 5 seconds then reverse the motion.
  • Repeat 10 times

At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we love seeing people live pain free lives. It is a privilege of our job that we can help in this endeavor. For help creating a routine that incorporates stretching and exercise that strengthen the structurs and muscles of the back, give our office a call today.

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C. 

Using your Core for Stability



How much benefit are you actually reaping from your daily crunches? The lumbar region of the back is the main support for your entire body: it makes sense that keeping the surrounding musculature strong and healthy will boost the spine’s longevity. The core is a complex series of muscle groups that plays a role in almost every aspect of human movement, no more so than in the mechanics of the back. The core is used for stability and force transfer across the body, and force production is actually a tertiary function. This leaves me asking why so many people focus on crunches as the sole method to improve core health?

Core stability is the ability of the muscles to control the force we produce and therefore, a stable, strong core will be the one that inoculates us against injury. Core stability movements such as planking, side planking and deadlifting are a better metric for core strength than the number of crunches you can perform.

For those looking to improve their core muscles to make an impact on the overall health of their back, including the prevention of injury, a calculated approach must be applied. This is where we can help at Espinosa Family Chiropractic: we can put together a plan that develops the core as a stabilizer rather than a force producer, thereby increasing the longevity of your spine.

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C.

Driving Posture



Don’t take for granted the number of minutes you spend commuting on a weekly basis. The minutes add up quick and very few cars are equipped to support or even encourage a neutral sitting position for the spine. Many people can recall the feeling of being stiff and sore from a road trip. This feeling is an outcry from muscles which have accumulated tension from lack of movement during the drive. Your intervertebral discs have absorbed fluid during this time, further limiting your range of motion. We often take the rest stop exit to relieve our bladders, but rarely to give our muscles and spine the attention they deserve. Driving truly is a rigorous undertaking for the back; at Espinosa Family Chiropractic we encourage you to help out in any way you can by using posture.

Sitting up straight is the best way to begin: with your butt back in the seat and your head balanced above your spine, the rest of the body will follow suit. Do you ever find yourself leaning on the center console? Now is the time to stop, as this encourages a muscular imbalance that will compound over the long drive. Holding the steering wheel at 9 and 3 is good, but are your shoulders relaxed? It might be appropriate to adjust the height of your seat or steering wheel (if possible). Finally, car seats are not conducive to supporting the lordotic curve. Use a small pillow or rolled up jacket to give your back a boost and see how it immediately makes you feel better.

At our office in Sacramento, we are keen on showing people how the little things add up. Just as poor posture can defeat your well-being, so can proper posture change the way you feel at the end of a long drive for the better. For a whole range of holistic lifestyle adjustments and counseling, call our office in Sacramento at (916) 457-8825.

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C. 

Posture on the Job

posture headache

posture headache

The term desk-bound describes how a significant portion of people spend their 8 hour working days in the 21st century. Many people come into our office complaining of daily headaches and it has become clear that these two situations are not mutually exclusive: a day at the office can cause a headache in more ways than one. Consider one of the simplest explanations of all: your posture in front of the screen.

How many people can truly hold their head up high and say that they have perfect posture at work or that they regularly take breaks to stretch, move and hydrate? If you are one of these people, we applaud you and your back thanks you. But for many people, posture is not an easy proposition: spending long windows of time in front of the screen tends to lull people into a hunched forward position, where their head is leaned toward the screen and their back is rounded. As they work away, muscles in the neck and shoulders are being asked to compensate and support the weight of the head which is no longer balanced above the spine. Tensing and muscle strain ensue which can quickly lead to muscle spasms which will refer the pain to nerves in the head. 

This may not be the sole contributing factor to your headache, but fixing your posture can go a long way to influencing a myriad of conditions that are backs and heads suffer from on a daily basis. Call our office in Sacramento to find out the small things you can change to make a positive impact on your headaches: we can be reached at (916) 457-8825.

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C. 

Thoracic Range of Motion



When you think of how you use your back throughout the day, do the thoracic vertebrae even factor into your thoughts? Put it this way, do you ever catch yourself with your shoulders slumped forward or your upper back rounded? This is a good indicator that you may have poor thoracic mobility. The spine is not one long bone, but many people treat it as such: this is why we end up with pervasive slumping, slouching, and general poor posture. These can cause serious conditions such as back pain and premature degradation of the vertebrae. Fortunately, by gaining an awareness of proper spine mechanics, you can limit the damage that your spine absorbed on a daily basis. 

The thoracic spine refers to the region of your spine corresponding to the chest and ribcage. It is made up of twelve vertebrae and forms the thoracic cage which protects the hart and lungs. The range of motion in this part of the spine is limited, but letting the health of these vertebrae fall by the wayside can have serious consequences. 

Here are a few of the benefits to be had by ensuring the alignment and overall health of the thoracic spine:

  • Improved spinal mechanics
  • Increased range of motion
  • Greater lung capacity
  • Greater diaphragm functioning
  • Better shoulder mechanics

The thoracic spine’s range of motion is limited but it is not meant to be immobile. Call our office in Sacramento at (916) 457-8825 to schedule an appointment and find out how you can maximize your spine’s mechanical advantage. 

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C.

Let’s Get Cervical (Range of Motion)



What if there was no pivot point in the neck: if it was just an immobile trunk that attached the head to the rest of the body? Every time you wanted to look up or down or to the side, it would require the coordinated effort of your entire upper body. Fortunately for most, this situation is nothing more than a nightmare. But the less care you take of your cervical spine, the more limited your motion becomes. Necks can end up so stiff and sore that even the slightest movement can cause excruciating pain. 

Seven vertebrae support the weight and movement of your head. Because of this movement, and their location at the base of the skull, the cervical vertebrae are among the most vulnerable to injury in the entire back. There are many factors that can limit range of motion in the neck: poor posture and traumatic injury are among the most common. But anyone who has woke up with a crick in the neck knows that more intangible factors are also at play: simply sleeping at an odd angle for a few hours in a night can leave your neck stiff. 

At Espinosa Family Chiropactic, we are experts in the realm of necks. We know that they are sensitive instruments and we provide the kind of sensitive treatment that ensures their range of motion. Chiropractic adjustments are beneficial to maintaining the alignment of the spine right through the neck. If muscles in the shoulders and neck are sore, we focus on reducing inflammation and improving blood flow to the tender region. 

If your neck is feeling out of sorts, call our office at (916) 457-8825 to schedule an assessment so we can start getting you back on the road to health. 

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C. 

Prevention is the Best Medicine



Preventing back pain: one of the most cost-effective things you can do for your life. Spines do not lend themselves to exact science: they are such complex structures, that absorb so much during their lifetime that every case is unique. If you develop through to adulthood without back pain, do not take it for granted: you have been blessed. It therefore behooves you to take the onus upon yourself to keep your spine and back muscles in good shape to prevent a future of pain. 

Some of these ideas may seem overstated, but I believe everyone can benefit from seeing them again:

  • Limit excess weight 
  • Stop smoking
  • Sleep 
  • Exercise
  • Posture
  • Lift weighty objects properly
  • Choose luggage accessories carefully
  • Make sure your wallet is not overstuffed
  • Avoid high heels 

You may have seen all of these things before, but they are always worth repeating.  Something that all of these suggestions have in common is that they all begin with YOU: you have the power to make all these changes in your life. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we want to help you start because we believe in the power of prevention as the most effective front line treatment in the fight against back pain which, by some estimates, affects up to 85% of Americans at some point in their lives. 

Call our office in Sacramento at (916) 457-8825 to schedule an appointment today. Converting your lifestyle into one that focuses on back care is not the easiest of tasks, but the upside is enormous. We have the knowledge and support that will keep your spine healthy into old age. 

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C. 

How to add in movement little by little


no movement

When it comes to preserving the health of your body, every little movement counts. Starting small is the best way to instill the habit. Once you have taught yourself an appreciation for leaving laziness behind, it is easy to spend more time moving. For example, going for a walk after dinner is a great way to help your body process the nutrients and digest your food. Even a 10 minute walk is better than nothing.


  • Combine exercise with entertainment. Treadmill with tunes or a podcast; practice yoga poses in front of the television; do crunches on the deck.
  • For every little trip to the corner store, consider walking or biking. It will save you the gas and get you outside and walking.
  • If you do drive, don’t look for the closest possible parking spot. Park on the top floor of the parking garage and get those extra steps.
  • Do housework and work in the lawn by yourself or with family and friends. Make sure you protect your back.
  • Walk as you talk on telephone calls.

Sitting really is becoming a disease. If your lifestyle requires a mix of commuting, sitting at work and your leisure demands a lot of sitting at home call our office so we can start finding some ways to fit in exercise and movement and break the cycle.

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C. 

Child’s Pose

Child's pose

Child's pose

The child’s pose is a yoga stretch that provides a plethora of benefits to people suffering from chronic low back pain.

  • Promotes circulation
  • Calms the mind and body
  • Stretches hips and thighs
  • Lengthens and stretches the spine
  • Relieves neck and back pain
  • Releases tension that is contained within shoulders, back and chest.

Yoga is synonymous with purposeful movement. This is a resting pose that focuses heavily on breathing control. Child’s pose can be done from the comfort of your own living room and is performed thus:

  • Kneel with knees together and buttocks touching feet.
  • Exhale and lower your torso over the thighs, with your forehead touching the ground.
  • Lift the buttocks slightly and stretch your arms over your head, with palms touching the floor, until you feel the shoulder blades stretching across the back.

You can rest in this position for 1-3 minutes, or however long it takes for you to feel the spine stretching, relieving tension from tight areas. Child’s pose is an easy way to take a quick break from the couch and give your spine an invigorating stretch, without too much physical exertion. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we want to get people moving. Finding ways to break the monotony of a sedentary lifestyle is truly important for those who want to elongate the lifespan of their spines. Call our office in Sacramento at (916) 457-8825 to create a plan for a healthy back care lifestyle that will get you feeling fit.

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C.