Chiropractic Blog
What does soft tissue therapy involve? Many people think of soft tissue therapy as a fancy name for massage. But it is so much more than a basic massage. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, the primary goal of soft tissue therapy is rehabilitation. We assess and determine the extent of pain and inflammation in a given region and…
Read MoreMorning time offers a choice Will you start your day by falling back into the same old pattern? Or break out of it and begin on the track of healthy habits that will take you through the day with less back pain. All trends will begin in the morning time- it’s when you set the tone for…
Read MoreSitting all day While calling sitting the new smoking is an exercise in hyperbole, it is clear that excessive sitting will take some kind of toll on your spine. The degree to which sitting harms your spine will be determined by the steps you take in prevention. These steps include: Strengthening the core Setting yourself…
Read MoreThe severity of herniated discs varies From a barely noticeable injury that heals itself to a crippling painful condition that knocks you out of action indefinitely, herniated discs vary widely in scope and severity. While it is true that most people have the capacity to heal their herniated disc by themselves, for others the injury…
Read MoreHow do your habits affect your spine? Short answer, greatly. Spinal health is best thought of as a daily, if not hourly, struggle to maintain balance and prevent degeneration. Every little activity you undertake during the day, even if it is no activity at all, is going to have an effect on this system. Starting in our…
Read MoreOvercome with joy with your newborn And adjusting to the mental stress and responsibility of life with a new life, it can be easy to forget that your body has a veritable mountain to climb. You will probably lose 12 pounds right away, including the weight of the baby, placenta, some blood and amniotic fluid.…
Read MoreWhat does corrective chiropractic care entail? This is a comprehensive approach to healthcare that starts by evaluating the Central Nervous System (CNS) and spinal function. Because the spine houses the CNS, it follows that spinal dysfunction will interfere with the proper functioning of everything in your life, as the CNS controls most functions of the…
Read MoreBeing overweight: the greatest burden your spine can’t bear When it comes to spinal health, carrying extra weight is akin to shooting yourself in the foot. Your spine and the surrounding muscles already have enough to contend with considering gravity and the onset of spinal degeneration that comes with age. So when you add superfluous weight into…
Read MoreGiving yourself the best chance at wellbeing Healthcare is best thought of as multi-dimensional: it incorporates everything you and your healthcare team do to take care of you; this includes you as a (key) team player! From the food you eat to the exercise you take to the medicine you receive, healthcare is an integrative…
Read MoreFunctional Wellness focuses on the health as a whole in order to influence the health of individual parts Chiropractors, physiotherapists, and nutritionists are among the leading lights in the functional wellness movement. We seek to help our patients take a new approach to healthcare which emphasizes the combination of knowledge and natural healthcare approaches with…
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