Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractor sacramento

Are Your Hips Responsible for Your Lower Back Pain?

By Espinosa | April 27, 2018

Tight hips offer a clear blueprint for lower back pain Most people are loath to look at their hips as the source of their back pain. But if you sit a lot, you should consider this: tight hip flexors are a signal contributor to lower back pain. This group of five muscles connects the femur…

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Chiropractor sacramento

Running: The Double-Edged Sword for Your Spine

By Espinosa | April 22, 2018

Running is a double-edged sword when it comes to back pain Running supports the pliability and range of motion of muscles throughout the body; it gets our heart rate up and our circulation flowing; as a weight-bearing exercise, it builds strong bones and strengthens muscles; it is so effective at burning calories and helping people…

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chiropractor sacramento

How a Woman’s Body Shape Affects Back Pain

By Espinosa | April 19, 2018

Your body shape determines how you carry your weight Most women fit into four primary body shapes: Apple: triangle downwards, with weight accumulation primarily in the lower abdomen Pear: triangle upwards, weight accumulation primarily in the hips and thighs Banana: straight/rectangular, weight accumulation in the butt and abdomen Hourglass: triangles opposing and facing inwards, fat…

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Back pain sacramento

Your Commute Represents a Choice For Your Back Pain

By Espinosa | April 14, 2018

How much of your life do you spend in transit? The average resident of Sacramento spends 26 minutes commuting each direction and that number is growing each year.  When you break it down, the statistics can be dire for your spine. This “average commute,” represents 52 minutes of additional seated time per day. It is…

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Chiropractor sacramento

When it Comes to Losing Weight, Chiropractic is Your Best Teammate

By Espinosa | April 9, 2018

A healthy weight makes for a healthy spine Determining, and setting a course to maintain, your target weight should be a health priority for all adults. If you look at it from a spinal perspective, keeping off the extra pounds is essential. Every pound over your target weight represents an unsupportable burden for your spine;…

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Chiropractor sacramento

Avoiding Overuse Injuries in the Workplace

By Espinosa | April 1, 2018

Overuse injuries are, by their very nature, nasty The causes of overuse injuries are insidious- you spend so much subconscious time performing the same activity and you simply can’t feel the micro-traumas that occuring until they one day reach a breaking point. Today, some of the most common overuse injuries occur in the workplace which…

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Chiropractor sacramento

The Best Exercise for Chronic Sitters

By Espinosa | March 29, 2018

The most important risk factors for chronic sitters Modern life is a seated affair: we sit to commute, to work, to relax and, increasingly, to recreate. We pass time seated flicking through our phones, eating meals with our friends and binge-watching Netflix series. The primary seated activities of reading, or simply watching television, have taken…

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Chiropractor sacramento

Curves are What Give Your Spine Strength

By Espinosa | March 21, 2018

Healthy spinal curvature is essential In a normal, healthy spine, there are three primary curves- one kyphotic curve in the thoracic segment; two lordotic curves in the cervical and lumbar segments. There is a further kyphotic curve in the sacral segment, but overall, the curves fit together to form a large S-shape. This curvature is…

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Chiropractor sacramento

Do You Practice Habits That Reinforce Back Pain?

By Espinosa | March 13, 2018

Our daily habits, rather than acute actions, are what set us up for pain Many people are able to point to a time when they, “threw their back out,” or “cricked their neck,“ blaming a specific action like lifting or an excessive motion in sport on their injury. But the injury might not have happened…

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Chiropractor sacramento

Don’t Let Your Office Harm Your Spinal Health

By Espinosa | March 8, 2018

Movement in an office setting Your office presents your body with more challenges than you know. A stiff neck or tension headache is just the tip of the iceberg for many office workers at the end of the day. The nature of office work is such that your body never has time to catch up…

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