Chiropractic Blog

muscle tension Sacramento

How to Stop Feeling Stiff in Sacramento

By Espinosa | May 16, 2017
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Morning muscle stiffness in Sacramento

Muscles Feeling Stiff in the Morning Time?

By Espinosa | May 9, 2017
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Shoulder pain in Sacramento

Shoulder Pain in Sacramento

By Espinosa | May 3, 2017
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anterior pelvic tilt and back pain in sacramento

Does Anterior Pelvic Tilt Make My Butt Look Big?

By adminjosh | April 28, 2017

Does your butt stick out or your stomach protrude?  You may have anterior pelvic tilt, a positioning of the body that involves, you guessed it, an exaggerated forward tilting of the pelvis. In this position, there is also an exaggerated arch in the lower back and, as a result your butt will stick out and…

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back spasms in sacramento

Beating Back Spasms in Sacramento

By Espinosa | April 25, 2017

Back spasms are the symptom, not the condition Let’s define a “back spasm,” as a sudden, involuntary tightening of a muscle in the back. If that doesn’t sound painful enough by itself, imagine that this uncontrollable tightening happens regularly; now that’s a problem. Back spasms are often brought on by excessive strain, acute injury or by repetitive…

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running injuries

Is Running Among the World’s Most Dangerous Sports?

By Espinosa | April 23, 2017

Why are injuries so prevalent in the running community? For an innate human activity, nearly 1 in 2 people who run habitually will suffer an injury during the course of a year. There are a few factors at play here: the repetitive nature of running tends to stress the same muscles and joints, while the…

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running injuries

Is Running Among the World’s Most Dangerous Sports?

By Espinosa | April 23, 2017

Why are injuries so prevalent in the running community? For an innate human activity, nearly 1 in 2 people who run habitually will suffer an injury during the course of a year. There are a few factors at play here: the repetitive nature of running tends to stress the same muscles and joints, while the…

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balanced workout

Is your Workout Well-Balanced?

By Espinosa | April 17, 2017

What are your motives for working out?  Looks and confidence usually feature highly on this list, as do increased strength and ability and feeling great. All of these things are massively important for generally well-being, but it is also worth looking further down the list- at your body’s longevity, at injury prevention, at preserving range…

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Do you Know How to Lift?

By Espinosa | April 7, 2017

Lifting is a common motion of the human body… …that is perhaps one of the most perilous for the back. At our office in Sacramento, we see many people who have injured their back through the seemingly innocuous motion of lifting an object.  Perhaps it is an injury that occurred when they were younger and…

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butt and back pain

Back Pain and Your Butt

By Espinosa | April 4, 2017

Could your butt be contributing to back pain? It is always worth asking the question. Back pain, particularly in the lumbar, can hardly ever be pinned down to a single factor. The nerve network is so complex and the muscle network so far reaching, that often what starts out as the root cause leads to…

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