Chiropractic Blog

feeling great

A Diet Rich in Energy

By Espinosa | December 19, 2016

Dieting for energy is about balance To be more precise, a diet that gives you energy would see you equally distribute calories throughout all your meals and observe a ratio high complex carbohydrates: medium protein: low (but not no) fat. Too many of us are skipping breakfast and wondering why we don’t function later in…

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Winter Tiredness

By Espinosa | December 19, 2016

Fatigue can feel like a syndrome in winter.  And there is a biological reason for this: with less daylight, the body produces more melatonin which makes us feel drowsier than normal. This sets the tone for seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a mood disorder usually experienced during winter time and characterized by symptoms including:  Depression  Mood…

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Dynamic Stretching

By Espinosa | December 13, 2016

Working out optimally is about working smarter, not harder.  This begins with the warm up- you may be itching to get going, but a few minutes (preferably 15) of gentle stretching will ease your muscles into a state of looseness that will allow for better physical performance, more muscle building and less chance of injury.…

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Ice, Heat, Repeat

By Espinosa | December 6, 2016

Ice and heat can be an integral part of healing or alleviating back pain. It is a time honored treatment which is readily available in most households; in case of emergency, or in instances of a flare up, many people reach for an ice pack or a heat pack. Ice and Heat is tried and…

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Free Those Hips

By Espinosa | November 29, 2016

Your hips don’t lie: they have a claim for most important joints in the body and their health is essential for human movement. Hips have a lot of muscle mass that attach to them and they perform such crucial roles as conducting forces between the upper and lower body, activating and facilitating the movement of…

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Movement > Bed Rest

By Espinosa | November 26, 2016

A cricked neck or a bad back can cause pain so disproportional to the severity of the problem that all we can do is stay in bed and whine, taking aspirin and waiting for the peak of the pain to subside. While this may be recommendable in the immediate aftermath of an injury such as…

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Healing Foods

By Espinosa | November 23, 2016

In lieu of my last blog regarding junk food, I would like to focus on some foods that are inherently healthy, but go beyond a base of nutrients to include phytochemicals that actually encourage healing in the body! These are ingredients that can be incorporated with little effort, but will influence a world of healing…

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Quitting Junk Food

By Espinosa | November 22, 2016

Some people say sitting is the new smoking and, while it certainly has a case, I would put forth another candidate for the title: junk food. The processed foods of the meats-and-sweets heavy “Western diet,” do damage to just about every organ in the body and are linked to dangerous conditions such as diabetes, heart…

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Stretching vs. Stressing

By Espinosa | November 16, 2016

Stress is an animalistic response complex that morphed into something more serious for humans who have the ability to internalize the symptoms, the feelings, the emotional and physical pain that comes along with it. It is a chemical reaction induced by the feeling of perceived threats, in which the nervous system opens a floodgate of…

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Food for Relaxation

By Espinosa | November 15, 2016

Stress management means something different to everyone: some people bury it away until they burst; others exercise to let it go and feel an endorphin boost; others will just settle down by watching cat videos on YouTube. Whatever your unique stress management plan, the essential thing is that you have one. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we want to…

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