Chiropractic Blog


Stretching for Sciatica

By Espinosa | October 13, 2016

The pain of sciatica can be nightmarish: tingling and numbness in the lower extremities, pain and stiffness in the lower back; it can be difficult enough just to stand up out of bed. What if there was a way to quickly alleviate some of the pressure from your sciatic nerve so you could get on…

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Stiff Neck

By Espinosa | October 9, 2016

The stiff neck is a syndrome of adulthood; as we get older and our bodies tighten, a natural outcome is a stiff and sore neck with no discernible cause. Common examples of this condition include the dull and persistent pain that plagues people at work (and after work), waking up with a crick in the…

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Water for Weight Loss

By Espinosa | October 1, 2016

Drinking water is a powerful and neglected way of influencing your overall well-being. As a chiropractor, we would like to see people drinking more water because it helps people lose pounds and maintain a healthy weight, reducing the burden on the joints and structures of the human body, especially in the lower back. The lumbar…

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scar tissue

Scar Tissue

By Espinosa | September 29, 2016

Scar tissue is a part of the body’s natural healing response, especially to severe injury and often times surgery. Why then is it so problematic? In this respect, it is in the same category as chronic inflammation: too much scar tissue can create a drag on your well-being. The process is simple: when cells are…

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Committing to your Long Term Health

By Espinosa | September 28, 2016

Commitment is a sensitive subject for many: whether it be committing to a relationship, a job, or a new life experience, we all struggle, falter and succeed at different points in our life. However, one thing that is always worth the commitment, no matter the sacrifice, is the health of your body and mind. It’s…

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back pain

Lumbar Health

By Espinosa | September 20, 2016

Lower back pain is epidemic and on the rise in America for so many reasons: more jobs than ever require days spent deskbound with poor posture, book-ended by a commute and followed by hours spent sitting in unsupportive furniture watching television for relaxation. In short, we are sitting more than ever and setting ourselves up…

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Breakfast and Quality of Life

By Espinosa | September 13, 2016

Breakfast is your best friend, whether you like it or not. Studies show that people stay alive longer, with less depression and likelihood for developing certain diseases when they have a morning munch. The logic is plain: it is called breakfast because you are breaking the fast from the night before. Just like your brain needs…

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eat better

Tricks to Eat Less

By Espinosa | September 8, 2016

If consuming less calories is on your to-do list this fall, go about it in the smartest way possible. As with the cookie jar syndrome, what we can’t have we will inevitably crave and this means a greater likelihood for breaking any diet. In essence, we want to cut the calories but not the joy…

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Resistance Stretching

By Espinosa | September 2, 2016

Stretching that increases both flexibility and strength is a win-win. Modern lifestyles seem to be about optimization: the streamlining of social lives into cell-phone applications, the search engine optimization and analytics of an internet driven culture, and workplace productivity pitting humans vs. machines. In this crazy world of efficiency, it almost makes the most sense…

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The Greatest Chance of Success for Rehabilitation

By Espinosa | September 1, 2016

Most injuries that cause back pain and stiffness are not forever. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we know that there is no written-in-stone method for a successful recovery from a back injury; each injury is unique and will require its own formula integrating physical therapy, nutrition and exercise. However, when it comes to rehabbing a specific injury,…

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