Chiropractic Blog
Treating yourself to delicious ingredients can provide treatment for your herniated disc; is it so far fetched? Your body will work more effectively to do what you want if you feed it the right fuel. There are many intangible factors that have led to your injury, but there are core elements within your control: nutrition,…
Read MoreJust as there are myriad ways to cause a herniated disc, so there are, at least as many, ways to treat them. When devising a plan of physical therapy for herniated discs, it is important to do so under the guidance of a medical professional. This is where we come in: we want to teach…
Read MoreThe discs that accentuate our spinal columns are hard workers. As the shock absorbers for one of the most crucial structures in our body, they accumulate an enormous amount of wear and tear over the years. Named for their location in the spine- cervical, thoracic and lumbar, these discs support the weight of our body,…
Read MoreHerniated discs in the spine are fickle injuries. For lucky people, they will occur and heal in a period of weeks to months without the onset of any pain. For others, the pain can escalate to a severity that requires surgery. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we have experience treating disc herniation at all points in…
Read MoreTake a moment to appreciate your magnificent neck. It is a subtly tuned instrument that allows for movement of the head, blood flow to the brain and its health is essential to regulation of the heart rate, sleeping, breathing and balance. Housed in the neck are the two carotid arteries, which supply the majority of…
Read MoreIn a society that is moving boundlessly into the future of technology, lifestyles are becoming more sedentary. Entertainment is consumed on screen, productivity is created on computers, and the sum of human knowledge can be found in our pockets. An unintended victim of this brave new world is the spinal column. Back pain is a…
Read MoreSleep is the ally of well-being. When you sleep restfully, you encourage proper functioning of the body and brain, boosting happiness and performance during waking hours. When people’s central circadian rhythms are disrupted, everything becomes harder: anxiety is increased and your body and brain have to work harder to achieve simple objectives. Caffeine consumption goes…
Read MorePosture is a significant factor to consider when you experience regular headaches. Poor posture is easily learned and hard for the muscles to forget: it is an unconscious positioning of the body that people neglect until it starts to cause problems in their life. There are myriad factors fighting to hold us back from healthy…
Read MoreTension headaches are bad news. We blame them on everything: work, play, poor nutrition, too much television, not enough activity; these are all valid reasons. But one cause that fewer people consider is that tension headaches can be caused by musculoskeletal abnormalities and in particular, misalignment of the spine. Tension is defined as the state…
Read MoreWhen suffering from excruciating, persistent headaches, a natural reaction is to look for relief from the pain. This leads many people to take medication to mask the pain, leaving the underlying cause unaddressed. People live for years with what they call normal headaches. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, “Just a normal headache,” is not terminology that…
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