For the Love of the Runner
Running imparts a euphoric feeling on some people that is hard to ascertain unless you have felt it yourself. It is what keeps these troopers moving through wind and rain, hail and searing heat. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we want hardcore runners to remember: posture is integral to your success and ultimate enjoyment of the sport. With the following technique in mind, you can minimize damage to spinal cartilage and reap the most benefit out of your exercise.
- Stay upright: you know you’re tired when the shoulders are slumped and you can barely breathe. But some people are not aware that they are slumping from the start.
- Keep your head centered above the spine so that its weight is properly balanced as you run.
- Keep the face faced forward and the body will follow. Do not look at the ground as it will set a precedent for the neck to follow, angling downwards and soon your shoulders will start to move toward each other, leaving you hunched over.
- Utilize your hips as your center of gravity. Letting the pelvis tilt forward will only lead to back pain. So keep your core upright.
These habits may feel like an adjustment at first but given enough repetition they will become second nature. And for the love of the runner: running everyday on concrete is bad for the cartilage in your back. If your back is aching after a run, it may be in need of some tender loving care, of the kind we offer at our practice in Sacramento. We treat sore tissues and misaligned vertebrae to ensure that you are running at your full mechanical advantage.Stop by our office on your next run or call us at (916) 457-8825 to schedule an appointment today.
Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C.