Lifting Technique Dos and Don’ts
When it comes to proper lifting technique, some of us may be missing the mark without even knowing about it, which can open us up to all sorts of workplace injuries, not to mention injuries at home, and even in the gym when we’re trying to get fit.
Below are some of the main Dos and Don’ts when it comes to lifting heavy objects.
Lifting Dos
Do make sure that you squat down and lift with your legs. Make sure that your feet are shoulder-witch apart or thereabouts and that one foot is slightly ahead of the other, without sacrificing your center of gravity. Keep whatever you’re lifting close to your body because when you hold that object outside from your body you’re putting undue amounts of pressure on your back. Try to always grab a friend or coworker to assist you when lifting a heavy object, too.
Lifting Don’ts
Make sure that you avoid bending over to lift an object and never lift with your back. If you have your feet too close together you will risk losing your footing and your center of gravity, so try to keep a wide base. Always avoid lifting heavy objects by yourself.
If you have any questions about proper lifting technique or if you experience an injury from lifting a heavy object, contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation.