Most Common Causes of Auto Accidents
At Espinosa Family Chiropractic we see many patients who experience the unfortunate event of an automobile accident, which can cause all sorts of injuries — or worse…
Below, we go over some of the more common reasons that automobile accidents occur in hopes that we can help people avoid experiencing an accident that could yield and injury that will make it necessary to see the chiropractor.
Driving While Distracted
Driving while distracted is perhaps the number one cause of automobile accidents, whether it happens because a person is looking at their phone, dealing with a child in the back, putting on makeup, or even something as seemingly innocuous as changing the song playing in the car. Accidents can occur within the blink of an eye, so it’s important to always keep your eyes on the road.
Driving While Impaired
Driving while impaired is one of the most common reasons accidents occur. If you take a prescription drug, have adult beverages, or do anything that impairs your ability to drive, you have no business being on the road. Make sure to get a designated driver. Let’s all keep each other safe out there!
Speeding is another common culprit when it comes to automobile accidents. Observing regulations and street signs, not to mention making sure that you do not go over the posted legal speed limit.
Espinosa Family Chiropractic is here in the event that you do experience an automobile accident and seek drug-free pain solutions. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.