In the realm of professional sports, where substantial funds and extensive research are invested, a flood of information and misinformation inundates those of us engaged in more personalized training. At our chiropractic office, we emphasize the importance of training intelligently rather than relentlessly.
The phenomenon of overtraining is akin to a syndrome. It contradicts our inherent instinct to cease exercising merely due to fatigue. After all, how can one enhance strength and endurance without pushing through moments of weakness or weariness? The natural human reward system craves more of a good thing, disregarding the principle of diminishing returns. Contrary to the belief that more work equals greater rewards, over-training often results in the opposite.
Identifying signs of over-training is crucial:
- Under-performance
- Aches and pains
- Fatigue following a standard workout
- Changes in personality and mood
- Depression
- Loss of concentration
- Chronic fatigue
Moreover, the process of muscle-building hinges on a delicate balance between stress and rest. Muscles undergo microscopic tears during stress, and the repair process, leading to growth, occurs during rest. Achieving healthy muscle growth necessitates a state where muscle protein synthesis outweighs protein breakdown.
Many symptoms of over-training can be linked to imbalances in the nervous system, and this is where our expertise comes into play at our office. If your body is enduring excessive physical stress and not enough rest, we can nurture the body back to health. A program of chiropractic adjustment, rest, taking a break from weights, pursuing light cardiovascular exercise, and proper attention to hydration and nutrition will have you feeling yourself again in no time.
We can help you get in touch with your body: call our office to schedule an appointment today