Social Distancing Outside of the Home
Even though you might be practicing social distancing and staying at home during this COVID-19 pandemic, you’re likely starting to get restless, which means you should probably get outside and stretch your legs. Although most businesses are closed and people are cautioned to work from home and shelter in place, many folks are taking time to get outside.
But, you still have to practice safe social distancing while outdoors in order to limit the spread of COVID-19, or else all this effort will be for naught. Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few ways to practice social distancing while outdoors.
Go Outside During Low Traffic Times
Since we’re all flock creatures when it comes down to it, try to go against your instincts when it comes to going outdoors. Most people are going to want to head out for a walk in the middle of the day, or perhaps after sunrise, so you can give yourself an advantage by heading out earlier, or even later than most folks would, that way you limit your exposure.
Stay Six Feet Away!
It’s surprising how many people, even during this time of social distancing, are failing to stay six feet away from others. Even while outdoors, and especially indoors, make sure to keep your distance… from everyone. We are all doing this for a reason, remember. Don’t make it a waste of time.
Retreat to Nature
Try to hit up nature spots that are lesser-known. Everybody is going to hit up the beach or the lake, so try to hit up the road less traveled in these cases. Maybe hike to a spot with a scenic view where you’re guaranteed seclusion. Get in touch with nature, not with other human beings during this time.
Espinosa Family Chiropractic is still here to provide our essential treatments for patients looking for drug-free pain solutions or the many other benefits chiropractic adjustments bring once explored. Contact us today to learn more about how we’re taking every measure to keep our patients and community safe during this time.