Thoracic Range of Motion
When you think of how you use your back throughout the day, do the thoracic vertebrae even factor into your thoughts? Put it this way, do you ever catch yourself with your shoulders slumped forward or your upper back rounded? This is a good indicator that you may have poor thoracic mobility. The spine is not one long bone, but many people treat it as such: this is why we end up with pervasive slumping, slouching, and general poor posture. These can cause serious conditions such as back pain and premature degradation of the vertebrae. Fortunately, by gaining an awareness of proper spine mechanics, you can limit the damage that your spine absorbed on a daily basis.
The thoracic spine refers to the region of your spine corresponding to the chest and ribcage. It is made up of twelve vertebrae and forms the thoracic cage which protects the hart and lungs. The range of motion in this part of the spine is limited, but letting the health of these vertebrae fall by the wayside can have serious consequences.
Here are a few of the benefits to be had by ensuring the alignment and overall health of the thoracic spine:
- Improved spinal mechanics
- Increased range of motion
- Greater lung capacity
- Greater diaphragm functioning
- Better shoulder mechanics
The thoracic spine’s range of motion is limited but it is not meant to be immobile. Call our office in Sacramento at (916) 457-8825 to schedule an appointment and find out how you can maximize your spine’s mechanical advantage.
Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C.