Your First Back Care Class with Espinosa Family Chiropractic
One effective way we teach our patients special “back care” exercises at Espinosa Family Chiropractic is through our bi-weekly Back Care Class.
We have a board-certified specialist in back care who conducts each Back Care Class who gives each student/patient the necessary tools and wellness protocols that are needed in order to properly take care of and maintain themselves in everyday life. You’re only as healthy as your spine, after all!
Back Classes are a way of giving our patients a deeper knowledge of what chiropractic treatment is, which specific chiropractic adjustments each patient responds to (not to mention the particular function of each adjustment), and how they can assist their bodies on their own during healing, corrective, and workout recovery processes.
We’ll also teach you different daily stretches, proper sitting positions & how to maintain perfect posture, which sleeping positions are best for you, and much, much more. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our educational classes for our patients to take advantage of.